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历史拐点处别样的风景:诗歌翻译在中国新诗形成期所 起的作用再探 王东风 内容摘要:学术界普遍认为中国新诗是在西方诗歌的影响下产生的,胡适是中国白话 新诗或自由诗的第一人,但细读历史文献,不难发现,胡适和其他诗人的白话新诗发 表之前,胡适本人和其他译者所翻译的西方诗歌大多是格律诗 , 而不是自由诗,他们 采用归化式的译法,把西方格律诗译成中国的旧诗体,因此原诗的诗体和译诗的诗体 都不具备促发以自由体为特征的白话新诗的条件。而且,有证据表明,白话新诗实际 上在白话自由体的诗歌翻译之前就已经出现了。此外,白话新诗产生之后,由于诗歌 翻译界采用了“废律”的翻译方法,因此西方诗歌的诗体在翻译中遭到了系统性的破 坏,不同的诗体都被译成了分行散文体。这些都表明,白话新诗并非是在西方诗歌的 影响下发生的,相反,正是在胡适的“八不主义”思想和他白话新诗创作的双重作用下, 中国的诗歌翻译的传统才在白话新诗出现之后由旧诗化翻译的传统迅速转向了白话自 由诗体的翻译。 关键词:诗歌翻译;中国新诗;影响 基金项目:教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目“中国百年诗歌翻译的诗学谱 系研究”(17JZD046) 作者简介:王东风,中山大学外国语学院教授,主要从事翻译学、比较文学和语言学研究。 Title: A Different Scenery at the Historical Turning Point: Rethinking the Influence of Poetry Translation upon the Development of Chinese New Poetry Abstract: It is a consensus in the Chinese academia that Chinese New Poetry came into being under the influence from its Western counterpart, and Hu Shi is the first poet of Chinese New Poetry, i.e. vernacular free verse. A close reading of historical records, however, will lead us to an easy discovery that before Hu and other poets published their vernacular or baihua new poems, the Western poems they translated were almost all metrical ones, rather than free verses, and the translators used the method of domestication in translating the Western metrical poems into traditional Chinese poems. Therefore, neither the form of the original Western poems nor the form of their Chinese translations could have provided the right condition for the emergence of vernacular new poems, which are characterized by free verse. 152 2019 4  外国文学研究 ‖ 年第 期 And it has been proven that vernacular new poetry had appeared way before the translation of free verses in vernacular. Moreover, after the emergence of the vernacular new poems, the translators adopted a “de-metricalized” approach in translating the Western poems. As a result, the metrical form of the Western poems was deformed systematically in translation and poems written in different forms were a



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