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GLOSSARY to stink – to smell very bad; to have a very unpleasant odor * Blue cheese stinks! It smells like dirty socks. bite – one mouthful; the amount of food taken into one’s mouth at once * Once you have a bite of this cake, you won’t be able to stop! to stomach – to be able to eat something that is very unpleasant without getting sick * William hates his mother-in-law’s cooking, but he had to learn to stomach her meals. foul – very unpleasant and disgusting; awful * Please don’t use foul language around the children. don’t knock it until you’ve tried it – a phrase used to ask some o keep an open mind and be willing to try something before forming an opinion or saying bad things about something * - I can’t believe you signed up for a course in basket weaving. - Don’t knock it until you’ve tried it. I expect it to be a lot of fun. acquired taste – something that one initially does not like but learns to like over time as one has more exposure to it * Opera can be an acquired taste. I didn’t like the music at first, but now going to the opera is one of my favorite forms of entertainment. to develop a taste for (something) – to gradually begin to like something that one didn’t originally like * Did you always know you wanted to be an insurance agent, or did you develop a taste for it over time? to crave – to have a strong desire to have or do something, especially to eat a specific food * Many women crave pickles when they are pregnant. unappetizing – with an unpleasant appearance or smell that does not make one feel like eating * The food tasted good, but it looked very unappetizing. to go over the edge – to go overboard; to do too much of something; to take an idea or action to an extreme; to go crazy * I know giving money to help others is important to Becky, but she really went over the edge when she gave away all of her savings. to take the cake – to be the most extreme instance or example of something


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