商务英语阅读(第1册)第二版 Unit 8 Work and Life.ppt

商务英语阅读(第1册)第二版 Unit 8 Work and Life.ppt

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Notes on Text A 2. …sometimes in organizations an idiosyncratic psychological contract is built between the employee and his direct supervisor in order to create an “informal deal” regarding work-life balance. 在公司里,有时员工和他的直接主管之间会建立一种特殊的心理契约,以达成一种关于工作和生活平衡的“非正式协议”。 regarding 在这里是介词,表示 “关于;有关” Notes on Text A 3. Even if the organization offers part-time options, many women will not take advantage of it as this type of arrangement is often seen as “occupational dead end.” 即使公司提供兼职机会,许多女性也不会利用它,因为这种安排通常被视为“职业死胡同”。 occupational dead end “职业死胡同”,指在职业生涯中行不通。 Discussion How do you understand the idiosyncratic psychological contract built between the employee and his direct supervisor? What’s its function regarding work-life balance? Britons Tip the Work-Life Balance Text B Words and Expressions rhythm n. a strong regular repeated pattern of sounds or movements 节奏,韵律 (CET-4;TEM-4) The boat rocked up and down in rhythm with the sea. Words and Expressions replicate v. to copy sth exactly 复制 (TEM-8) MOO seeks to replicate the price and yield performance of the global agricultural business. Words and Expressions index n. a system by which changes in the value of something and the rate at which it changes can be recorded, measured, or interpreted 指数 (CET-4;TEM-4) The?Dow?Jones?index?fell?15?points?this?morning.? Words and Expressions upend v. to turn sb/sth upside down 翻倒,使颠倒 (TEM-4) More?Americans?are?opting?to?work?well into retirement, a growing trend that threatens?to upend the old?workforce?model. Words and Expressions furlough n. v. grant a leave to休假,准…休假 The prisoner was furloughed for the weekend to visit her children. Words and Expressions redundancy n. the situation when sb has to leave their job because there is no more work available for them(因劳动力过剩而造成的)裁员,解雇 (TEM-8) Thousands of factory workers are facing redundancy. Words and Expressions lockdown n. a situation in which restrictions are placed on sb’s movements or actions ?活动(或行动)限制 (TEM-8)


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