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on the fifth day of the fifth lunar(农历的)month every yearthe Dragon Boat FestivalChinese Traditional Culture Catalogue listingPart oneOrigins LegendsPartTwoCustomPart threeProduction methodsPart fourKey Words Part oneOrigins Legends Dragon Boat Festival is on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month every year. It is one of the most important traditional festivals in China. Part oneOrigins LegendsThere are many different legends about the festival, but the most famous one is about Qu Yuan, a patriotic(爱国的) poet in ancient China.  Zongzi is a kind of food made with sticky rice and is wrapped(包裹) withreed(芦苇) or bamboo leaves. It has different shapes and fillings(馅料). In the northern part of China, people use red jujube(枣) as fillings. In the southern part of China, people use beans, fresh meat, or egg yolk(蛋黄)as fillings.Part TwoCustom1.Eating Zongzi Dragon boats look like Chinese dragons. A team of people row a dragon boat together. At the front of the boat, one team member beats a drum to encourage his teammates. It is said that the winning team will bring luck and happiness to the people of their village.2.Dragon Boat RacingPart TwoCustom The red jade arms are lightly wrapped with colored threads, and the small runes hang on the green cloud servant girls.- sushi彩线轻缠红玉臂,小符斜挂绿云鬟-苏轼Part TwoCustom3.Wearing Five-colour Silk Thread(丝线) 1.Watch the videoPart threeProduction methods 2.Word versionPart threeProduction methodsFirst : Leaves of floodingSecond: Fill the boat shape with a few tablespoons of the soaked sticky rice. Top with a sprinkling of mung beans.Add some smoked meat and shrimps.Third: Packed it with line with threeFinally: we cook it Part fourKey Words1. 端午节 Dragon Boat Festival2. 粽子 Rice dumpling3. 馅 Filling4. 龙舟竞赛 Dragon boat race5. 香包 Fragrant sachet6. 立蛋 Standing the egg on its end7. 艾草 Moxa8. 雄黄酒 Realgar wine9. 诗人 Poet10. 竹叶 Bamboo leaves


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