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目录 2022年12月大学英语六级考试真题(一) Part I Writing (30 minutes) Part Ⅱ Listening Comprehension(30 minutes) Section A 1.A)She hasn't started writing it. B)She hasn't decided on a topic. 2.A)He lent many books to the man for reference. B) He offered the man advice on resource hunting. 3.A)He didn't think her dissertation topic viable. B)He wasn't interested in her dissertation topic. C) He didn't want her to rush through her dissertation. 4..A)Change her research methodology. B)Narrow down her dissertation topic.D)Follow the man's advice. 5.A)He has translated 12 books. B)He is a well-known nutritionist. 6.A)The desire of Americans to try exotic cuisines. B)The demand for information about food safety. D)The fact that science books are difficult to read. 7.A)The general public. B)Those who are overweight. D)The medical community. 8.A)Switch to a vegetarian diet. C)Adhere to doctors'advice. D)Cut carbohydrate intake. B)Follow a personalized diet. 六级2022年12月 1 Section B 9.A)The rate of their growth increased dramatically. B)The growth of their new brain cells doubled. C)They began to show signs of depression. D)They began to get irritated and restless. 10.A)To avoid them in the future. B)To warn others against them.D)To reflect on their causes. 11.A)Produce a surprising healing effect. B)Weaken one's immunity in the long run. 12.A)Placing their own interests over their staff's. B)Being overwhelmed by their daily routines. 13.A)Their leadership may be challenged. B)Their companies may go bankrupt. 14.A)Keep an eye on their employees. B)Motivate and inspire their team. 15.A)Cultivate self-control.C)Respond only after work. B)Filter their email boxes. Section C Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. 16.A)The key to increasin


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