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学完主动再来看看 的常用结 e + 动词过去分词;get + 动词过去分词: I am hurt by your words. She is fired by her boss. Don’tget hurt. She got killed last night. 最常用的because. 1. because I’m hurt by her words, I won’t believe her ever again. Hurt by her words, I won’t believe her ever again. 2. Because she got hired by a new , she’s now in a good mood. Hired by a new , she’s now in a good mood. 3. because I have been lied to for many times, I don’t believe anyone anymore. Having been lied to for many times, I don’t believe anyone anymore. 4. Because she has been beaten by her husband twice, she wants a divorce. Having been beaten by her husband twice, she wants a divorce. 5. Because Lucy got killed last night, John feels very sad right now. Lucy being killed last night, John feels very sad right now. 6. because I’m being questioned by my wife, I can’t go out. Being questioned by my wife, I can’t go out. 下面句子中的being常常省略 1. because his mouth is filled with food, he can’ttalk. His mouth filled with food, he can’ttalk. 2. After the meal was over, we went out for a walk. The meal over, we went out for a walk. 因为的后面是所以 所以的近义是致使 It has been raining for 10 days. It has killed 10 people. It has been raining for 10 days, causing the death of 10 people. 常用的几个词:cause; make; leave; result in. John won. It made him the youngest champion in the world. John won, making him the youngest champion in the world. ’s GDP reached … last year. It made it the second largest economy in the world. ’s GDP reached … last year, making it the second…. Kim Jong Nam died 4 days ago, making the whole world shocked. 关于分词短语的位置 Having studied medicine for 10 years, John became a doctor. John, having studied medicine for 10 years, became a doctor. John became a doctor, having studied medicine for 10 years. 几个错误不要犯 1. 主语不一致: Walking home, a snake bit John. Walking home, J


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