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?教师资格之中学英语学科知识与教学能力模拟练习附答案打印版 单选题(共50题) 1、Passage 1 A.Definite B.Repetitive C.Echoing D.Impressive 【答案】 A 2、How many liaisons of sound are there in the sentence "He bought an interesting book"?__________ A.0 B.1 C.2 D.3 【答案】 C 3、I have personally come to understand that “empowerment” is not a lesson that can be thought by way of textbooks or lectures, projects or field trips, and not even by way of principles and inspirational teaching. It must be taught by personal examples. A.Only children from disadvantaged background need to be empowered B.The author is able to empower herself when faced with difficulties C.Teachers with personal experience of empowerment cannot teach D.The author does not practice what she advocates in her own life 【答案】 B 4、请阅读Passage l。完成第小题。 A.Terrible B.Vague C.Memorable D.Poor 【答案】 C 5、请阅读短文,完成此题。 A.short life span B.low death rate C.low illness rate D.good health condition 【答案】 B 6、Passage 1 A.Toxoplasma gondii causes people strange and deadly diseases B.With certain infection the infectious disease cannot be cured completely C.Human beings infected by toxoplasma gondii will have permanent brain damage D.Toxoplasma gondii is harmful to human beings, but it does no harm to mice 【答案】 B 7、The morpheme "-ee-" in the word "geese" is a A.suffix B.infix C.prefix D.root 【答案】 B 8、Which of the following is not a goal of listening? A.Understanding the intention of the speakers according to intonation and stress B.Understanding conversations on familiar topics and extract information and idea C.Understanding main ideas and new words with the help of the context D.Understanding and reciting the stories at normal speed and grasping their causes and effects 【答案】 D 9、The need for sleep varies__________from person to person. A.conservatively B.alternatively C.considerably D.influentially 【答案】 C 10、What is the teacher doing in terms of error correction? A.Direct correction B.Indirect correction C.Self-correction D.Peer correction 【答案】 B


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