Beautiful Kate《美丽的凯特(2009)》完整中英文对照剧本.docxVIP

Beautiful Kate《美丽的凯特(2009)》完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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# 来了个新娘 # * Here comes the bride # 金发,肥胖又宽大 # * Fair, fat and wide # 一脚踩在香蕉皮栽了个大跟头 # * Slips on a banana peel and goes for a ride # 来了个新郎… # * Here comes the groom... * 早上好,美人儿 Good morning, beautiful. 咱们在哪? - 正在穿越汪加内拉 Where are we? Just passed Wanganella. 还有多远? - 一半儿吧 How much further? Nearly halfway. 你♥他♥妈♥的开玩笑吧 You're fucking kidding. 我骗过你吗,我的美人儿? Would I lie to you, my beautiful? 别那么叫我 - 什么? Don't call me that. What? “我的美人儿”,听起来就像个老头子 'My beautiful'. You sound like an old person. 我本来就是个老头子 - 对,好吧,那你就假装不是 I am an old person. Yeah, well, pretend you're not. 别让我觉得我正在和我祖父私奔 I feel like I'm eloping with my grandfather. * Well, I'm goin' up the country * Babe, don't you wanna go? * Well, I'm goin' up the country Babe, don't you wanna go? * Takin' you some place I've never been before * I'm goin', I'm goin' where the water tastes like wine * I'm goin' where the water tastes like wine * Can jump in the water Stay drunk all the time * I'm gonna leave this city Got to get away... * 你看什么呢? - 那个老酒馆 What are you looking at? The old watering hole. 什么? What? 那个老酒馆 The old watering hole. 你怎么没告诉我咱们快到了? Why didn't you tell me we were nearly there? 哦,还没有 Oh, we're not. 渥拉姆比 - 渥拉姆拜 Wal-lum-bee. Wal-lum-bye. 有差别吗? Is it big? 大了去了 Massive. 嘿,奈德? - 干嘛? Hey, Ned? Yeah? 就跟你♥爸♥爸说我是个演员 Tell your dad that I am an actress. 什么类型的演员啊? - 女演员型的演员,白♥痴♥! What sort of actress? Actress-actress, shithead. 知道了 Gotcha. 我曾经一直都希望能住在乡下 TONl: I've always wanted to live in the country, 你知道,有门廊,奴隶,还有大便 you know, with a porch and slaves and shit. 好吧,那如果到处都是大便 NED: Well, there's plenty of shit. 你觉得奴隶们能来吗? Where do you reckon these slaves are coming from? 我知道啦,那咱们还是去渥拉姆比吧 I know. We'll go back to Wal-lum-bee... 是渥拉姆拜 Wal-lum-bye. 回到渥拉姆比的红土地上去 the red soil of Wal-lum-bee. 对,上帝做我的证人… Yes, as God is my witness... 上帝做我的证人,我永不… BOTH: As God is my witness, I will never... 托妮!托妮!别喊了! Toni! Toni! Shut up! 是只袋鼠,是只袋鼠 It's a kangaroo. It's a kangaroo. 它死了吗? Is


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