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2023 年学士学位英语考试模拟题及答案 模拟题一 Part I Reading Comprehension (30%) Directions: There are three passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through center. Passage 1 1. In the past, many young people ______. A. knew the effects of war B. went in for politics C. liked to save the wounded in wars D. were willing to be soldiers 2. Now with TV people can _____. A. discus politics at an information center B. show more interest in politics C. make their own decisions on political affairs D. express their opinions freely 3. The author thinks that TV advertisements _____. A. are not reliable on the whole B. are useless to people C. are a good guide to adults D. are very harmful to the young 4. Which is NOT true according to the passage? A. People have become used to crimes now. B. With a TV set some problems can be solved quickly. C. People now like to read books with picture. D. The adults are less violent than the young. 5. From the passage, we can conclude that _____. A. children should keep away from TV B.TV programs should be improved C. children’s books should have pictures D. TV has a deep influence on the young Passage 2 Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage: Nonverbal (非语言的) communication has to do with gestures, movements and closeness of two people when they are talking. (78) The scientists say that those gestures, movements and so on have meaning which words do not carry. 6. According to the passage, nonverbal communication _____. A. is a method often used by people who cannot speak B. can tell something that words cannot C. can be used to talk with people who cannot bear


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