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工艺项目立项申请书 从第2页双面打印 编号:2010-- 工 艺 创 新 项 目 立 项 申 请 书 项目名称:让配线加工向集约化模式转变 负责单位: xx公司产品部 负 责 人: 申报日期: 2012年02月15日 xx集 团 有 限 公 司 x line check (read tablets) 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species: disease species abdominal TB (intestinal tuberculosis and TB sex peritoneal inflammatory) chronic diarrhea chronic pancreatic inflammatory other (2) clinical knowledge, and skills requirements: operation name operation name gastroscope check operation colon mirror check operation three cavity II SAC tube oppression bleeding operation liver puncture biopsy endoscope Xia retrograde pancreatic bile duct contrast operation (ERCP) (3) language, and teaching , Research and other requirements: foreign literature review or book report 1. (Four) blood section 2 months (containing blood medical outpatient) 1. Rotary purpose master: various anemia of clinical performance, and causes and the diagnosis according to, and identification diagnosis, and treatment method of points; hemolytic sex anemia classification and the vascular within and vascular outside hemolytic of features; normal of bleeding and gel blood mechanism; bleeding sex disease of classification, and bleeding features and the diagnosis and treatment principles; acute, and chronic leukemia of clinical performance, and laboratory check, and diagnosis according to and the common treatment drug and treatment programme; lymphatic tumor classification, and staging, and diagnosis according 一、立项依据:(项目应用单位,国内外水平及发展趋势,分析其先进性、 合理性、可行性等) 当前,国内外企业为了适应日趋激烈的国际竞争,从过去一贯性以“外延扩大”和“争地盘,壮块头”为主的经营思路转向以“强化内涵”和“练内功”为主的经营 思路上来,坚决杜绝“高成本、低效率”和“少、慢、差、费”的状况,全力向“低投入、 高产出”和“多、快、好、省”的经营目标努力。也就是向集约化生产经营模式转变。 xx集团早已确定了“练内功、强产品、夯基础、全提升”的发展战略。为了落实集团公司的宏伟目标,xx公司总结自身发展不足,挖掘身边发展潜力,现确定在开关 柜下线、配线方面入手,逐步向集约化生产经营模式转变。 xx公司在配线环节,一直是纯手工生产。效率较低、质量较差、浪费较严重、成 本比较高。为了早日消除这个薄弱环节,xx公司结合实际情况,现决定引进高科技自动压接机,转变配线环节的生产模式。 目前经过市场调研,有两种设备生产方式: 1. 全自动压接机 优点:a)一次设定程序,全自动完成切线、剥皮、压接、喷涂; b)适合大批量生产,同一程序每个小时可以生产2000,4000根线束(根 据不同端子和导线长度); c)导线长度精确化,杜绝纯人工剪线浪费线


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