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一.认真读作文的要求:你有一位美国笔友Hank。你想向他介绍你的哥哥李亮的生活习惯,并希望他能有好习惯,请根据以下提示,给他写封信。 表达给他写信的激动心情 1.I can't hel the bottom of my heart when I write to you. words can describe how delighted I am when I write to you. is no way to describe how delighted I am when I write to you 第一段 I'll introduce my brother's living habits to you. And I hope you can have healthy and good habits. 写作要点:1.李亮是第一中学的学生,他上八年级。 Li liang is a student from N0.1 Middle School .He is /studies in Grade Eight/8. Li liang is a student which is from N0.1 Middle is /studies in Grade Eight/8. 2.介绍习惯。选择频率副词。数字不要出现作文之中。 3.写作指导:学案中的要点都要用到,而且句和句之间的衔接恰当,过度自然,要有过度词。不一定按给出的顺序来,自己要合理的安排顺序,能够有效的链接和过度就行。但不能丢要点。习惯包括好习惯和不好的习惯,都要按要点上的习惯罗列出来,然后清楚的把事情完整的表达出来。最后通读一遍自己的文章,看有没有错误的地方。好习惯多,简单提一下坏习惯。 I can't hel the bottom of my heart when I write to you.I'll introduce my brother's living habits to you. Li liang is a student from N0.1 Middle School .He is /studies in Grade Eight/ one has a lot of good living Liliang has lots of good habits,as ilk before he goes to school. He slee get great ,he has some bad habits, often stays uore than two hours a uses the Internet twice a week. These are his habits. Good living habits can not only bring us haake more 's more,it can let us get good grades. 表达收到来信的激动心情 1.I can't hel the bottom of my heart when I hear from you. words can describe how delighted I am when I hear from you. is no way to describe how delighted I am when I hear from you I can't hel the bottom of my heart when I hear from week,I arrived in Hang Zhou with my the first day,it was sunny and hot,so we decided to go to the beach near our took quite a few enjoyed ourselves the second day,for dinner,We tasted delicious have something very sore,We also tried e in Hang Zhou with ,you'd better not talk with strangers when taking a train to Hang can call me before you get on the train.I am looking forward to see you soon. Best wishes!


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