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GMAT阅读理解第三次课堂笔记-黄深-110207 GMAT阅读 主讲老师:黄深 第三次上课 2011-02-07 上午: 回顾长难句信息提取 例句4,具备考点:一,给出了大写,二,给出了一对反义词,有对比关系。 重点关注考点句,非考点句 总结1.2.3 记住:首(末)句+段首或段中however yet but句?唯一文章主题词、多个段落关键词、态度词、主题句、结论句:关键词?TW, AW, TS=CS; Linking Words?其中态度词特别重要?段落首末句+下段首句 * 详读:段内对比:两个模块的反义词:因果机制:首末句:非因果机制非对比:一对并列词 标记:让步、(甚至记住)句内对比比较、大小写。 单词:突破阅读理解,单词是关键。 例题:小蓝P3 首先,判断文章套路。看文章的段首段尾,中间段的首句及关联词。 新老观点:While表让步,重要,让步之后必有转折,让步给出正评价,主句必须负评价。Since之后是论据(态度证据),since之前是论点。在论据之中找考点和论点。 其次,要判断段落模式。一般段落无法判断是什么模式,则一般认为其是并列模式。 再次,选项中出现极端表达,而文中没有出现此极端表达,该选项错误。另外,other经常出现在错误选项。 相似选项比较差别,往往是一字之差。 对一个新观点,作者不可能给出一个反驳态度。 In + n. 在句中出现表细节。 GMAT阅读题型解析 最难:信息题(1-2道) 最易:核心题(2-5道) 把握:定点题(8-10道) 主题题套路总结 新老观点对比型 Showing that a certain interpretation is better supported by the evidence than is an alternative explanation a recently proposed explanation of a way in which wind-pollinated plants reduce pollen waste correct an erroneous belief by describing its origins describe an alterative hypothesis and provide evidence and arguments that support it recommending a different approach provide evidence to dispute an accepted theory about the evolution of galaxies correct misconceptions (2) 现象解释型 A phenomenon is described and an interpretation presented and rejected A problem(从意思上说是问题,从套路上说是现象) is presented and reasoned for its existence are supplied. Discussing a possible explanation for the way bilateral asymmetry is determined in lobsters. (3) 问题解决型 suggesting an answer to a theoretical question identifying the strengths of possible solutions to a problem discussing a problem and possible solution to it a way to curb illegal digging while benifiting the archeological profession A problem is described and then reasons why various proposed solutions succeeded of failed are discussed, (4) 结论解释型 A general opinion is expressed and then supportive illustrations are advanced. Stating a conclusion and adducing evidence that may justify it An evaluation is made, and aspects of the evaluation are expanded on with supporting evidence.


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