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优点英语 试卷第 =page 1 1页,共 =sectionpages 3 3页 备战2022高考英语江苏省二模三模试题分类汇编 专题03 七选五15篇 (2022届江苏省决胜新高考高三4月大联考英语试题)Everybody knows that reading nonfiction books can help them become more determined and build routine. And this improved lifestyle will reduce their anxiety. When it comes to fiction, on the other hand, people often dismiss the idea.___1___ The substantial benefit of reading fiction is that it will help change your perspectives. When you read a self-help book, you often consume a series of lessons with examples and practical advice. ___2___ Fiction, in contrast, gives you access to the struggles, and ideas of various characters. The exchange of information is multi-aided. And once you start considering conflicting views of a particular event, you’ll realize that you can’t control everything. ___3___ When we’re dealing with daily stress factors, we feel like the world is falling upon us. In a fictional novel, the characters might experience the same troubles, but we’re removed from them. As such, we have a birds-eye view over what’s happening in the story. And this view is what we need to reduce our anxiety in the real world. Fictional stories are also a great way to grasp the power of change-both in the story and in your life in general. When you’re reading a story, you’re following a journey, and developments in the fictional universe. These changes are imaginary. ___4___ In the Alchemist, for example, the main character is traveling for months to find a treasure. He believes that finding the prize will give him joy. Throughout his voyage, he experiences many setbacks, and his vision of the treasure changes. The evolution of the boy in The Alchemist is a reflection of our life. ___5___ But after many trial and error lessons, we realize that our heart wasn’t in it. A.We want something and we spend years chasing it. B.But they often mirror events that could happen in real life. C.We also experience many failures when pursuing our dreams. D.Consequently, most of the


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