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优点英语 试卷第 =page 1 1页,共 =sectionpages 3 3页 备战2022高考英语江苏省二模三模试题分类汇编 专题02完形填空15篇 (2022届江苏省南通市新高考基地学校高三第四次大联考英语试题)It was a rainy, damp December day. I was headed to the store to pick up another week’s worth of ____1____. I kept the CD player on while I drove to avoid the radio news. It only spoke of the world’s huge problems and how ____2____ we all still were in Covid-l9. And it usually just left me feeling ____3____. Still, I gave my son a ____4____ to put in the charity kettle at the door to the store. We went in and soon filled our cart with food. I ____5____ using the self-checkout machines. I much preferred to chat with the friendly ____6____ , but the line at them was five deep and I just didn’t have the ____7____. Just then I heard the man at the machine next to mine ____8____. He only had a few items but every time he put his ____9____ twenty dollar bill into the machine it spit it back out. I quickly _____10_____ a newer twenty out of my wallet and gave it to him. He thanked me with a _____11_____ smile. I told him to keep his money but he _____12_____ that l take his old twenty. After _____13_____ I remembered something, Mother Teresa had once said about how we all can _____14_____ the world. “Help one person at a time,” she said. “And always start with the person nearest you.” I smiled and went outside. Then I dropped that old twenty into the _____15_____ and walked to my car. 1.A.food B.presents C.medicine D.books 2.A.motivated B.convinced C.divided D.impressed 3.A.confident B.energetic C.hesitant D.helpless 4.A.CD B.toy C.dollar D.ticket 5.A.suggested B.hated C.admitted D.denied 6.A.customers B.waiters C.managers D.cashiers 7.A.time B.energy C.chance D.right 8.A.praying B.complaining C.bargaining D.screaming 9.A.frozen B.folded C.broken D.wrinkled 10.A.pressed B.rolled C.grabbed D.directed 11.A.weak B.warm C.bitter D.false 12.A.insisted B.ensured C.begged D.ordered 13.A.looking out B.pulling out C.breaking out D.checking out 14.A.control B.protect C.chan



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Where there is a will,there is a way!

