Unit 2 Looking Into The Future Reading选择性必修一词汇课件.pptx

Unit 2 Looking Into The Future Reading选择性必修一词汇课件.pptx

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课堂词汇版本:新人教单元:选择性必修一 Unit 2 (Reading and Thinking)本单元词汇梳理1.phrase词块:a set phrase2. persuade(说服) 词块:persuade sb to do sth, persuade sb into / out of (doing) sth(使信服) 词块:persuade sb of sth, persuade sb / oneself that …3.switch 词块:switch off / on4.distantdi- (=dis-, apart 分离) + st (to stand 站立) + -ant (形容词后缀) → 分开站立的 → 遥远的 (基本义)5.securese- (free from 无) + cur (care 关心) + -e → 不需要关心的 → 安心的形容词动词化 ;派生词:security6.applianceapply + -ance (名词后缀)词块:turn on / off appliances, electrical / household appliances 7.remotere- (back 向后) + mot (to move 移动) + -e → 向后移动,越来越远 → 遥远的近义词:distant;词块:a remote village, a remote control8.automaticauto (self 自己) + matic (think 思考) → 自己思考的 → 自动的派生词:egrate & integrated integrate — integrated词块:integrate ... into / with ...10.sensorsense (感觉) + -or (名词后缀)11. efficientef- (out 出) + fic (make, do 做) + -i + -ent (形容词后缀) → 能做出事来的 → 有效率的反义词:inefficient词族:efficient, efficiency, efficiently, inefficient12.mode词块:flight / energy-efficient mode13.routine词块:daily routine14. preferenceprefer — preference15.instant in- (into 进入) + st (to stand 站立) + -ant → 站在附近的、紧急待命的 → 立即的 词块:instant coffee / noodles, for an instant, in an instant, the instant (that) …派生词:mandcom- (completely 完全) + mand (命令) → 命令词块:command sb to do sth, command that ... (should) do sth, have a good command of17. warningwarn (v 警告) + -ing;词块:issue / give a warning to18.constantcon- (表示强调) + st (to stand 站立) + -ant (形容词后缀) → 始终站立的 → 不变的;派生词:constantly19. abnormalab- (not 非) + normal (正常的) → 不正常的、反常的20.criticalcrit (to judge 判断) + -ic (名词后缀) + -al (形容词后缀) → 爱作判断的 → 批判的;挑剔的词块:be critical to, critical thinking, a critical illness21.potential &potentiallypotential — potentially词块:achieve / fulfil(l) / reach one’s (full) potential22. leak一词多义:基本义“漏”水隐喻:具体的“漏”水 → 抽象的“泄露”消息等23.electrical词族:electric, electrical, electrically, electrician, electricity24.wire & wiringwire — wiring25.detectde- (不、非) + tect (to cover 掩盖) → 不再被掩盖 → 察觉、发现派生词:detective26.relevant词块:(be) relevant to;反义词:irrelevant27.fantasy派生词:



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