外研版高中英语新教材选择性必修第三册 Unit 5 Learning from Nature-第1课时-Starting out 教案 教学设计.docxVIP

外研版高中英语新教材选择性必修第三册 Unit 5 Learning from Nature-第1课时-Starting out 教案 教学设计.docx

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Starting out+ Vocabulary板块教学设计 课型 Speaking+vocabulary 主题语境 人与自然——学习自然、探索自然 内容分析 1. 四幅图片分别是Claude Monet、张大千、William Wordsworth和Ralph Waldo Emerson四位名人关于向自然学习的名言。视频呈现的是与单元主题相关的内容,介绍了人类可以从自然界获得的一些启发。本版块旨在导入“人类向自然界学习”这一话题,激活学生已有的语言、背景知识,激发对话题的兴趣,为整个单元的学习活动预热,并让学生结合自身实际思考自然和人类的关系。 2.学习本单元的重要词汇,了解这些词汇的基本用法,为本单元后续的学习打下基础。 教学目标 1.引导学生阅读四则名人名言,理解名言的含义,使学生初步了解人类可以从自然界获得启发和灵感的观点; 2.学生通过观看视频,理解视频的主旨大意,并能够从视频中迅速提取关键信息,激活学生已有的背景信息和语言知识; 3.掌握本单元的核心词汇。 教学重点 1.认识自然的重要性并向大自然学习的意识。 2.引导学生通过视频材料,了解人类向大自然学习的实例。 3. 学习核心词汇 教学难点 1.引导学生阅读名言,思考和分析问题; 2.引导学生在观看视频的过程中记录关键信息。 3. 引导学生了解词汇的搭配和习惯用法。 教学策略 视听说法 Teaching contents Procedures Purposes Teacher’s activity Students’ activity Activity 1 1. T presents four pictures of Claude Monet, Zhang Daqian, William Wordsworth and Ralph Waldo Emerson. 2. T asks Ss the questions. (Q1: What is the common message conveyed in these quotes? Q2: Have you ever learnt anything from nature? Give examples) 1. Ss look at the pictures and read the information below the picture. 2. Ss answer the questions. Develop Ss’ ability to wield the language comprehensively and to summarise ideas. Activity 2 1. T plays the video. 2. T asks Ss the questions in Activity 2. (Q1: What animals and plants are mentioned in the video? Q2: What lessons can we learn from nature according to the video?) 3. Play the video for the second time. 1. Ss watch the video about nature. 2. Ss answer the questions. 3. Ss fill in the blanks. Let Ss get the basic information of the video, activate their background knowledge as well as lead to the topic. Activity 3 1. T analyzes new words, including take…for granted, convert, seek solutions to, take inspiration from, employ, decent, withdraw, reject etc. 2. T asks Ss to do the exercise about words and phrases. 1. Ss pay attention to the new words and phrases, take notes and do the exercises. Guide students to grasp the collocation and usage of vocabulary. Homework Complete supporting vocabulary exercises. Consolidate the newly learnt vocabulary



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