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A abandon [?'b?nd(?)n] vt. 放弃;抛弃 ~ a ship/a baby弃船/弃婴, ~ all hope放弃一切希望 an ~ed car, ~ oneself to sth. 沉湎于 ~ oneself to despair 陷入绝望 syn. desert / give up ability [??b?l?t?] n. a man of ~, to the best of one’s~ 尽…所能 able ['e?b(?)l] adj. an ~ man, be ~ to do sth syn. be capable of doing sth vt. enable ~sb. to do sth使某人能够做某事 aboard [?'b??d] adv. 在船(飞机/车) 上 go aboard prep. 在船(飞机/车)上 go - the ship / the plane about [?'ba?t] adv. be ~ to do即将做;正要做 I was …to leave when it began to rain. How / What~…?...怎样/ 如何? set ~ doing sth = set out to do sth 开始做 abroad [?'br??d] adv. 国外 live~, go ~ for further study 出国进修,at home and abroad 国内外 absence ['?bs(?)ns] n. 不在,缺席in the?of (物)缺乏;(人)不在,during/in one’s?某人不在时 ant. in the presence of sb. / in one’s presence 在某人面前 absent ['?bs?nt] adj. 缺席的;不在的 absent-minded 心不在焉的,be ?from ant. be present at absolute ['?bs?lju:t] adj. 完全的;绝对的;不容置疑的 That’s ?nonsense! absorb [?b'z??b] vt. 吸收;接受?heat/knowledge, be ?ed in one’s work专心工作 be lost / deep in thought 沉思 n. absorption abstract ['?bstr?kt] adj. 抽象的 an - painting ant. concrete n. 摘要,梗概 an ~ of a lecture accept [?k?sept] v. 接受;认可?sth / sb. (as sth) It is generally believed / widely accepted / universally acknowledged that…人们普遍认为... be ~ed by (= be admitted to) a university 被大学录取,an ~ed fact 公认的事实. adj. acceptable n. acceptance acceptable [?k'sept?b(?)l] adj. 可接受的 be ~ to sb. Is the proposal ~ to you? access ['?kses] n. a.接近或进人的机会;使用权 ~to sth. / sb. have / gain / provide ?to sth have (free) access to the library 可以(免费)使用…,The place is easy of access. 这个地方容易到达. b.通路,入口 the only ~ to the house vt. 接近;进入;存取~/surf the Internet 上网, ~ a file adj. (in)accessible to sb. a place (in)accessible to the public 对公众(不)开放的地方 accident ['?ks?d?nt] n. 意外事件;事故 meet with an ~遇到事故, by ~ =by chance 意外地,碰巧 ant. on purpose / by design / by intention 故意地 accommodate [?'k?m?de?t] vt. 为…提供住处或膳宿 This hotel


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