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弹性工作时间政策 第 PAGE \* Arabic 10 页 Sample Flextime Policy The State of Colorado's explanation of flextime. This also includes four sample flextime request forms. This policy was prepared by the division of human resources in the Colorado Department of Personnel & Administration, November of 2001. It includes an explanation of the benefits of flextime, the drawbacks, a discussion of how a flextime schedule is created, and sample flextime request forms. ????The State of Colorado’s Work-Life alternative work arrangement programs strive to offer flexibility to employees and managers. For many employees, primary values have switched from compensation to flexibility in support of work-life balance. These [下载自管理资源吧]programs allow managers to carry out essential business, while accommodating an ever-changing diverse work force. ????Individual state agencies have the right to decide how and whether to implement alternative work scheduling programs. For more information see the attached documents or visit our Web site at (fill in address for your company): What is flextime? ??? Flextime is a way to redesign or restructure traditional work schedules so the employee works daily hours different from regular office hours or works a full schedule in fewer days. Employers can use this option to accommodate the changing workforce and business needs. Employees can use innovative scheduling to fulfill a variety of personal needs, including family responsibilities, routine health appointments, educational activities, and volunteer and wellness activities. This type of scheduling is flexible enough to be used on an ongoing or as-needed basis. ????For example, the employee may take two hours to attend parent-teacher conferences and then make up the time during the same workweek. Flextime allows an employee to manage personal and work activities without lost work time. Reduced work time (e.g., job sharing) and flexible work sites are also forms of alternative work arrangements and can


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