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教学设计 课题名称 Word-formation 英语构词法 姓名 邢星 工作单位 河北容城中学 学科年级 高一英语 教材版本 人教版 一、教学目标设计 1. Teaching aims: 1. Students can remember the ways of word-formation. 2Three dimensional teaching aims (三维目标) Knowledge aims: To learn how to master three methods of remembering words Ability aims: To cultivate the students’ autonomous learning ability(自主学习能力), cooperative learning ability(合作学习能力), and investigative learning ability(探索学习能力). Emotional aims: To encourage the students to participate in the class activities and cultivate their teamwork spirit; enjoy English learning. 二、教学重难点 Important points and Difficult points: derivation派生. 三、学情分析 Students find it hard and boring to remember new words and use the words correctly. However, it’s important to enlarge their vocabulary, so that they can do better in reading and so on. Thus, the ways to remember words should be simple and effective. 四、教学内容分析 Vocabulary plays a leading part in reading. Remembering words is the basis of language learning. By learning the ways of word-formation, students can grasp new words more effectively and quickly. So it is greatly needed to learn word-formation. In this way, students can enlarge their vocabulary. After learning this lesson, students can not only improve their reading ability, but also grow to enjoy learning English. 五、教学方法设计 1. Teaching should be student-centered and teacher-guided. (突出学生主体性) 2. Learning should be experience-based and investigative. (主动参与,乐于探究) 3. Learning should be communication-based. (交流与合作) 六、教学过程设计 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 Start the class by asking a question. Based on the question, encourage students to learn the knowledge of word-formation. Amylase the ways to remember English words and share with each other. 用学生常用的记单词方法引入,学生熟悉易懂,了解学习构词法必要性。 Ask students to do the exercise and find the rules of word-formation. Summarize the ways of word-formation, and the basic ones: compound, conversion and derivation. Do the word exercise and pay attention to the word-formation. 激发学生通过



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