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Home Is Best ! “跟上兔子”小学英语分级绘本 Teaching Contents 教学内容: 《跟上兔子》绘本 — Home Is Best ! Teaching aims and learning objectives 教学目标: 1. 能读懂故事并理解故事主旨,运用正确的语音、语调朗读文本; 2. 能在老师的指导下进行自主探究,在体验阅读的过程中形成有效的阅读策略。 3. 能通过绘本学习,懂得home is best的道理,并激发学生对家的热爱之情。 Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty 教学重点和难点: 能在阅读中形成有效的阅读策略,以读促思,培养学生的语言能力和思维能力。 What animals do you know? What animals do you know? Where do they live? habitat 栖息地 Different animals live in different places. (不同的动物住在不同的地方。) I can fly. I can say like people.(我能像人一样说话。) I am clever. Where does Mr Parrot live? Have a guess What do you think of his home? Cover reading leave 离开 look for 寻找 Does Mr Parrot find a new house? Let's read Does Mr Parrot find a new house? Let's read Does Mr Parrot find a new house? Let’s say How many places does Mr Parrot vist? chimney 烟囱 hole 坑 mast 船桅 the Moon 月亮 tree hole 树洞 bell tower 钟楼 cliff 悬崖 Tip: skim the story (P6-18) 略读故事 Let’s make a map 寻屋环游记 Skimming Skimming Skimming Skimming Skimming Skimming Skimming Let’s order 寻屋环游记 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Let’s make a map Let's read excitedly. This place looks nice. I want to move in here. This place looks good. Let me move in here. This place is all right. “I can live here.” That place looks nice. I want to live there. That place looks beautiful. It can be my new house. I like this place. I want to move in there. That place looks nice. I want to live there. move in 搬到;搬进 Read P6-19 and find Tip: detailed read(P6-19) and take notes 详读故事,做笔记。 Can you find the features (特点)of each place? Detailed reading Detailed reading Detailed reading Detailed reading Detailed reading Detailed reading Detailed reading This is my home! Go away! Whose house is it ? Look and say The place is … Mr Parrot… Look and say The place is … Mr Parrot… wet 潮湿的 Look and s


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