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早安 伦敦 Good morning, London. 现在是早上5:00 窗外的春光美好 It's 5:00 a.m. and a lovely spring morning out there. 看来今年夏天也不会差 Looks like we got a great summer ahead of us. 接下来的15分钟 将为您播报更多新闻 And more news, traffic and travel 交通和旅游信息 for you 15 minutes 对于刚起床的人 but for those of you just falling out of bed right now 绝对能保证让你动起来 here's a frank guaranteed to get you moving this morning. 女飞人 早上好 阳光不错啊 最近怎么样 Morning, sunshine. How you doing? 嗯 我还不错 你呢 Yeah, I'm all right. How you doing? 还有林福 All right, Linford? 准备好了吗 唬 Ready? whoo! 速战速决 我还得回去送货 Chop chop. I've got to get back for a delivery. 你什么时候能买♥♥件新田径服 When are you gonna get a new tracksuit? -这是复古装 -都能当古董了 -This is vintage. -It's a relic. -你得换双新钉鞋 -我没钱了 -Well, you need new spikes. -I'm broke. 坚持到周末 Well, nail it on the weekend 到时候 新跑鞋会来找你 and you'll have new spikes coming out of your ears. 来 林富 让她看看该怎么跑 快 Come on, Linford! Show her how it's done! Go! 那星期天得跑出什么成绩 All right, then, what's that time gonna be on Sunday? -23秒以内 -没错 这样我们就能... -Under 23. -That's right, because then we... -就能入围 -完全正确 -We qualify. -Exactly. 世界冠军 我们来了 过去 准备好 World Champs, here we come. Go on, then. Get ready. 好的 Okay. 倒计时 On the one! 三 二 一 Three, two, one! 加油 弯道加速 Pump it! Push into the bend! 不错 Good! 冲击终线 把金牌拿回来 Bring it home, through the line. -还是过了0 5秒 -要再来次吗 -Still half a second off. -Oh, you want more? -我没问题 -当然 再来次 -I got more. -Well, bloody well do it then. 别再浪费体能了 Stop wasting your breath. -你说了算 -那是 -You're the boss. -Yes, I bloody well am. 林福 快离开那儿 Linford! Get out of there! 嘿 嘿 莎妮娅 Hey! Hey! Shania. 过来下 你妹妹在哪儿 嗯 Come here. Where's that sister of yours, eh? 啊 该我问你吧 她和你住一起 是不是啊 What? You tell me. She lives with you, innit. 没有 我听说她搬回你那儿了 No, I heard she moved back in with you. 那我告诉你 她没有 你听错了 Well, she didn't, so you heard wrong. 你确定 Is that right? 是的 達兹 我没时间和你纠缠 Yeah, Daze. Look, I don't have time for this, man. 要是塔拉知道好坏 让她给我打电♥话♥ If Tara knows what's good for h


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