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销售团队的薪酬 量化销售团队薪酬制度中的四个要素 固定金额 浮动金额 费用补贴 福利 纯薪金制、纯佣金制和薪金与佣金混合制 管理销售团队 招聘 选拔 培训 监督 激励 评价 销售代表的工作效率 拜访潜在客户的准则 通常会规定销售代表应花一定时间来开发新客户 有效地利用销售时间 采用时间任务分析法将活动按小时分解来提高工作效率 销售技术 如今的销售人员其实已经电子化了(笔记本、网站和社交媒体) 激励销售代表 内在和外在奖励 销售配额 评价销售代表 信息来源 正式评估 人员销售的原则 学习 SPIN方法向顾客提出四类问题 情景 疑难 暗示 需求-收益 六个步骤 寻找和界定 事先调查 展示和介绍 消除异议 完成交易 跟进和维护 关系营销 在许多情况下公司追求的并不是立即达成交易,而是建立长期的供应商与顾客的关系 Direct marketers can use a number of channels to reach individual prospects and customers: direct mail, catalog marketing, telemarketing, interactive TV, kiosks, Web sites, and mobile devices. They often seek a measurable response, typically a customer order, through direct-order marketing. * Direct marketing can reach prospects at the moment they want a solicitation and therefore be noticed by more highly interested prospects. It lets marketers test alternate media and messages to find the most cost-effective approach. Direct marketing also makes the company’s offer and strategy less visible to competitors. Finally, direct marketers can measure responses to their campaigns to decide which have been the most profitable. Direct-mail marketing means sending an offer, announcement, reminder, or other item to an individual consumer. Using highly selective mailing lists, direct marketers send out millions of mail pieces each year—letters, fliers, foldouts, and other “salespeople with wings.” In catalog marketing, companies may send full-line merchandise catalogs, specialty consumer catalogs, and business catalogs, usually in print form but also as DVDs or online. Telemarketing is the use of the telephone and call centers to attract prospects, sell to existing customers, and provide service by taking orders and answering questions. It helps companies increase revenue, reduce selling costs, and improve customer satisfaction. Companies use call centers for inbound telemarketing—receiving calls from customers—and outbound telemarketing—initiating calls to prospects and customers. Direct marketers use all the major


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