高二英语Tomorrow’s world课件1.pptx

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Project;;Can you tell me something about these films?;Are they science fiction films? Why?; Have you ever read the science fiction?;Let’s read summaries of three famous science fiction.;Reading ;2.Reading in detail:;They see a big underground ocean, a beautiful forest, ancient animals that have disappeared in the world. ; The second summary:;Two kinds of creatures-the Eloi and the Morlocks.;The third summary:;How do they come back to the earth? ;Jules Verne (February 8, 1828—March 24, 1905) was a French author and a pioneer of the science fiction genre. Verne was noted for writing about space, air, and underwater travel long before they were possible. ;;Zheng Wenguang (1929-2003) Beginning to write science fiction stories in the 1950s, he is regarded as the father of Chinese science fiction.;1. ______ their journey, the professor and his nephew come _____ the Central Sea, a big ____________ocean. They also see a beautiful _____ and ancient_______ that have already __________ in the world above.;2. He finally stops thirty million years into the future and __________ a future time where the sun no longer shines _______ . ______ and cold, the Time Traveler starts back towards the present. ;3. Instead of waiting to be _______, the three young people teach themselves astrophysics. After this, with the help of _____ from a black hold, they are able to guide the lost spaceship _____ back to the Earth.;;Planning ;Take notes of the story: Time and place (setting): e.g. ;Producing;Presenting;Homework;购物好实惠 云购易商城 云购易 购物好实惠 云购易商城 云购易 wpd79xry 在得出了一个猜测……”“快说啊!什么猜测?”慕容凌娢迫不及待地想要知道答案。“就是找到一种名为灵石的矿物质,在一些特定的时间和地点,激活灵石的能量,就能穿越回去了。”第011章 选择“就是找到一种名为灵石的矿物质,在特定的时间和地点激发它的能量,就可以回去了。”“灵石啊……”慕容凌娢迟疑了一会儿,问道,“那在哪里能找到你所说的灵石呢?”“不不清楚。”夏先生十分干脆的回答吧慕容凌娢吓了一跳。“大叔,你不是在开玩笑吧?”慕容感觉自己就像是被泼了一盆冷水,刚抓住的救命稻草又断了。“你这干脆的回答让我很不爽啊。”“其实关于灵石,还有一种传说。”夏先生依旧是不紧不慢的说着,“这是一种来??宇宙中的陨石,千年前掉落在这片土地上,由于时间过长,大部分陨石己经被侵蚀,变为普通的岩石。只有两块还拥有可以助人穿越到能量。”“感觉这是科幻小说的套路啊。”慕容凌娢仍然不忘记吐槽,“不过为什么才两块?传说就不能编的美好一些吗?至少也要七块吧,可以召唤神龙了!”“你就不想听听传说中灵石



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