高二英语Book VIII Module 2 The Renaissance课件3.pptx

高二英语Book VIII Module 2 The Renaissance课件3.pptx

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Book VIII Module 2 The Renaissance Language points ;Mona lisa;;;;拉菲尔;西斯廷圣母;母与子;;;;;I.Choose the factors which made the renaissance possible. Better living conditions The discovery of the new world International business a change in ideas about religion a change in climate ;II.Read the passage and answer the questions Why was the Renaissance given this name? When and where did the Renaissance begin? III. Exercises 4 & 5 on page 17;work c. 指“文艺,音乐或艺术作品,可数 a new work by the director Zhang Yimou works 指某作家或作曲家全部作品 the complete works of Shakespeare 莎士比亚全集 ;2. perspective(绘画中的)透视法;远景;景(由近而远) draw the buildings in perspective按比例画某建筑 a perspective of the whole valley 山谷远景 polyphony 复位音乐,对位法。 ;3.Trade with other parts of the world trade: n. 贸易,商业,交易, 生意 vi./ vt. 交易,买卖,经商,对换 我想用这本书换你的小刀。 经商就是买卖东西。;4.afford vt. 负担得起 +n./pron/ to do 现在,在农村许多人看不起病。 We can’t afford to buy a TV set.;5.sense 感觉,感官 He has no sense of time. My sense of nose isn’t very good, because I’ve got a cold. 意义理性This word has many senses. 理解力,鉴赏力,辨识力 A driver has a good sense of locality. ;vt. 感到,理解,认识 He sensed that his proposals were unwelcome. a sense of humor/ a sense of safety a sense of duty/ friendship/ beauty/ make sense 讲得通,有意义 in a sense 在某种意义上 ;6.contrast vt.对比 (with),比作 (to) 不要责备他。你应当把他的工作与她的比一比。 Her actions contrasted sharply with her promises.她的行动与诺言有天壤之别。 ;n. 比较,对比,对照,差别 在摄影艺术中明暗的反差是很重要的。 他的白发与黑皮肤形成鲜明的对比。 ;7.motivate 作为某人行为的动机,激励 motivation动机,动力 ; motive发动的,启动的 老师应该激励学生努力学习。 该谋杀的全部动机是仇恨。 ;8.hand in hand 手拉手;比喻密切关联,连在一起 War and suffering go hand in hand. Shoulder by shoulder/ side by side arm in arm / day and night;compare his writing with hers compare the children to the flowers of the country Compared with / to our parents, we are indeed very fortunate. ;9.contribution to / contribute He contributed a lot of money to the charity. She contributed several poems to a literary magazine. A proper amount of exercise contributes to good health.



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