新标准大学英语3 教案96学时.doc

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外国语学院教案  编号 _01_ 2011-2012学年度 第 一 学期 系(部) 外 语 教研室 公外教研室 任课教师 1 课程名称: 英语 授课章节:Unit 1 ( New Standard English 3) 授课班级 机制10012 授课日期 2011-09-05 课 题 Unit 1 Discovering Yourself! Active reading (1): Catching crabs 时 数 2 教学目的 及 要 求 By way of learning this text, make the students know: getting tips on how to get to know oneself; Learning to use narrative devices 教学重点 1. New words and expressions 2. Master the useful sentence structures and words 难 点 1.key words and expressions 2.Know how to analyze and use these devices 教学方法 及 教 具 Under the guidance of student-centered principle, apply communicative and heuristic teaching methods, stimulate students’ interest in learning English and get students involved in class participation 课堂设计(教学内容、过程、方法、图表等) 时间分配 ⅠWarm-up activities to arouse students’ interest in learning the unit Ⅱ Lead-in questions: 1. How will the last year at college be different from earlier years? (Students become more serious. They started to focus on study.) 2. What will you be thinking more about, your exams or your future? (Their future.) 3. Who is likely to be concerned about your future? (family members.) 4. Who do you turn to for advice? (father and mother) Ⅲ Warm-up?discussion: Go over the preview, the pre-reading questions and the title of the text before listening to the summary of the story and anticipate what we are going to read. 10’ 15’ 15’ 课堂设计(教学内容、过程、方法、图表等) 时间分配 IV Introduce cultural background information: the Charles River: Madison Avenue: Thanksgiving V Language points: New words and expressions 1 achieving good results (productive) 2 the fact of being present at an event, or of going regularly to school, church etc (attendance) 3 the refusal to accept something new, such as a plan, idea, or change (resistance) 4 determined to be successful, rich, famous etc (ambitious) 5 agreement to a plan, offer, or suggestion (acceptance) 6 the written words of a play, film, television programme, speech etc (scrip


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