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Introduction of ARGUMENTATIONCONTENTS目录1. Definition 2. Principles and Conventions 3. Argument structures 4. Strategy 5. Common logical fallacies and weakness in argument 6. An example What is argumentation ? Argumentation is analyzed, review of a problem or something, that a style of their own point of view, position, attitude, views and propositions.Critical reviewResumeJob evaluationEditorialsLetter of recommendationJob application letterLetters to the editorsExamples of argumentation writing are:2. Principles and Conventions A good argumentation should abide by the following conventions:Three kinds of evidence:objective data,social consensus,personal credibility and experienceThree types of appeals:ethos(喻德),logos(喻理),pathos(喻情)Follow the rules of reasonEvidence must be presented logically1A well-defined,controversial issue2A clear position taken by the writerA good argumentation should include:3A convincing argument 4A reasonable tone1. A well-defined,controversial issue:e.g. First children are smarter---But why? Marriage makes our children richer — Here's why Eating popcorn in the cinema makes people immune to advertising Men and women can't be 'just friends' 2. A clear position taken by the writere.g. CorrectCan heterosexual men and women ever be “just friends”? a new study suggests that men, relative to women, have a particularly hard time being “just friends.” e.g. ErrorXXX is one of the most important things in people’s life.It has many advantages.However,just as every coin has two sides,XXX also has some disadvantages.4. A reasonable tone3. A convincing argumentfacts,statistics,testimony,examples I belive······I think······CONTENTS目录1. Definition 2. Principles and Conventions 3. Argument structures 4. Strategy 5. Common logical fallacies and weakness in argument 6. An example Simple argumentChain argumentCompound argumentComplex argumentArgument structures Convergent argument1. Simple argument A simple argument only contains a claim,


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