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固体废物处理与处置 Treatment and Disposal of Solid Waste ;固体废物处理与处置 Treatment and Disposal of Solid Waste ;固体废物处理与处置 Treatment and Disposal of Solid Waste ;固体废物处理与处置 Treatment and Disposal of Solid Waste ;固体废物处理与处置 Treatment and Disposal of Solid Waste ;固体废物处理与处置 Treatment and Disposal of Solid Waste ;固体废物处理与处置 Treatment and Disposal of Solid Waste ;固体废物处理与处置 Treatment and Disposal of Solid Waste ;固体废物处理与处置 Treatment and Disposal of Solid Waste ;固体废物处理与处置 Treatment and Disposal of Solid Waste ;固体废物处理与处置 Treatment and Disposal of Solid Waste ;固体废物处理与处置 Treatment and Disposal of Solid Waste ;固体废物处理与处置 Treatment and Disposal of Solid Waste ;广州市兴丰垃圾填埋场鸟瞰图;固体废物处理与处置 Treatment and Disposal of Solid Waste ;压实作业区;固体废物处理与处置 Treatment and Disposal of Solid Waste ;固体废物处理与处置 Treatment and Disposal of Solid Waste ;固体废物处理与处置 Treatment and Disposal of Solid Waste ;填埋场的总 体设计思路;固体废物处理与处置 Treatment and Disposal of Solid Waste ;固体废物处理与处置 Treatment and Disposal of Solid Waste ;固体废物处理与处置 Treatment and Disposal of Solid Waste ;固体废物处理与处置 Treatment and Disposal of Solid Waste ;固体废物处理与处置 Treatment and Disposal of Solid Waste ;卫生土地填埋场;固体废物处理与处置 Treatment and Disposal of Solid Waste ;2;固体废物处理与处置 Treatment and Disposal of Solid Waste ;复合衬层防渗结构示意图;固体废物处理与处置 Treatment and Disposal of Solid Waste ;固体废物处理与处置 Treatment and Disposal of Solid Waste ;广州市兴丰生活垃圾填埋场——底部防渗系统;保护HDPE膜的白色土工布;固体废物处理与处置 Treatment and Disposal of Solid Waste ;固体废物处理与处置 Treatment and Disposal of Solid Waste ;固体废物处理与处置 Treatment and Disposal of Solid Waste ;(1) 导流层 指填埋场底一系列坡度的阶地,厚度不小于300mm,由卵石(无,用碎石)铺设而成。目的是将全场的渗滤液顺利地导入收集沟内地渗滤液收集管内。 (2)收集沟 (导流沟) 设置于导流层的最低标高处,并贯穿整个场底,尽量设置成直管,中间不出现弯折点。位于场底中轴线上的为主沟,在主沟上依间距30-50m设置支沟。收集沟中填充卵石或碎石 。;(3)多孔收集管;立管(垂直收集管)同时也用于导出填埋气体,称为排渗导气管;(4)集水池和提升系统 渗滤液集水池位于垃圾主坝前的最低洼处,以砾石堆填,全场的渗滤液汇集于此并通过提升系统越过垃圾主坝进入调节池。 若渗滤液收集主管直接穿过垃圾主坝(穿坝管不开孔) ,渗滤液利用重力流从垃圾堆体内导出,进入导流层的渗滤液通过穿坝管导出。 提升系统:通常采用HDPE斜管提升。;(5)调节池 对渗滤液进行水质和水量的调节。;;固体废物处理与处置 Treatm


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