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All the information is from wikipedia and baidu By Leslie & Miranda The queen married England--Elizabeth I From Leslie & Miranda The daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn family background On September 7, 1533, Elizabeth was born in Greenwich palace. Her father complained that why she was not a boy. After all Elizabeth was Henry VIII and Boleyn’s product of legal marriage, therefore, she was determined for the legal heir of the crown. Elizabeth was a carefree small princess in the first three year. In January 1536, Elizabeth's status was down a lot because of Boleyn’s death. In June 1536, the parliament declared to cancel her throne from qualification. After the death of Boleyn, Henry viii successively took four wives, but only had one son, Edward. In 1547, Henry viii died, the son became the king. 1547 ,Edward acceded ,only in six years. The new king had a weak body, and suffering from tuberculosis. Therefore, the replacement of the throne was just a question of time. With qualified succession to the throne: Henry VIII 's daughter Mary Henry VIII 's daughter Elizabeth Henry VIII 's niece Jenny. According to the throne from habit, Mary should be first selection throne. 1、Because of the difference of religious belief, after Mary became queen ,she began to persecute Elizabeth. 2、Mary wanted to marry the Spanish royal family. So the nobles wanted Elizabeth became the queen of England instead of Mary .But it failed. Then Mary imprisoned Elizabeth. 3、November 17, 1557, Mary died. Elizabeth finally became the second British Queen. The parliament refused to recognize the legitimacy of her throne. Like father, Henry VIII, Elizabeth decided out of the relationship with the Pope and announced that the United Kingdom is the Protestant countries. She took a cautious attitude when dealing with the relationship with parliament. She was very thrifty, but she was very positive to the prosperity of country, she r


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