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PAGE PAGE 3 Answers to Exercises of Unit 4 (Workbook) Comprehensive exercises Ⅰ. Spelling (P54) 1. lopsided 2. quirk 3. inaugurate 4. complexion 5. link 6. glare 7. shudder 8. blare 9. installation 10. passenger 11. champagne 12. geographic Ⅱ. Dictation (P55) Throughout the long period, the French showed noticeably more enthusiasm for a Channel tunnel than the British. This may seem curious, seeing that France already has many land frontiers, whereas for Britain a tunnel would be its first fixed link with the Continent, and thus more valuable. But the British were held back by their insularity, and especially by fears that an invader might be able to make use of the scheme. Happily, all that is past. Today Britain’s politicians and business circles have shown themselves as eager as the French. Those who take a wider and longer-term view believe that these possible drawbacks for Britain will be far outweighed by the advantages. Passengers by express train will be able to do the journey at least an hour faster than by air, city centre to city centre, and without any tedious waits at airports. Also the fares will be cheaper. So the tunnel will probably stimulate a vast increase in tourism and business travel between London and Paris. Ⅲ. Listening Comprehension (P55) True (T) or False (F)? For false statements, write the facts. 1. The writer spent a year in Moldova to study the customs of daily life. T 2. In Moldova, guests are expected to help with some domestic duties. F In Moldova, guests are not expected to help with any domestic duties. 3. In Moldova, buying groceries generally required long journeys to markets by cars. F In Moldova, buying groceries generally required long journeys to market by bus. 4. In England, guests may be invited to the kitchen to talk with the hostess. T 5. In England, refusing food can be regarded as a kind of impolite behavior. F In England, hosts will not feel unhappy if their guests refuse food. 6. In England, the




