unit one hit the nail on the head ppt课件.ppt

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unit one hit the nail on the head ppt课件

悄悄走 prowl – (of an animal looking for food, or of a thief) move about (an area) quietly, trying not to be seen or heard潜行,暗中徘徊 sidle – (up) walk as if ready to turn and go the other way, esp. secretively or nervously(尤指鬼鬼祟祟地或胆怯地)悄悄地走 creep – move slowly and quietly with the body close to the ground匍匐前进,爬行;蹑手蹑脚地走 e.g. The cat crept silently towards the mouse. 猫悄悄地向老鼠爬过去。 * 困难地走 26. tramp – walk (through or over) with firm heavy steps 用沉重的脚步行走 32. plod – (esp. along, on) walk slowly, esp. with difficulty and great effort; trudge沉重缓慢地走,步履艰难 e.g. The old man plods along, hardly able to lift each foot.那老人步履艰难地走着,双脚都几乎提不起来。 33. trudge – walk with heavy steps, slowly and with effort (plod)步履艰难地走,跋涉 34. shuffle – walk by dragging one’s feet slowly along曳足而行,拖着步子走 * ramble – (about, through, among) go on a long walk with no particular plan漫游;漫步 e.g. They rambled through the woods. 他们漫步穿过树林。 roam – (through, around, about) wander without a very clear purpose漫步;闲荡;漫游 e.g. At this height hyenas roamed about. 在这高度,有鬣狗四处游荡。 Loiter – move on or move about, stopping often走走停停;徘徊;闲逛 e.g. The policemen saw someone loitering near the shop. 警察看见有人在商店附近徘徊。 瞎溜达 * stroll – walk a short distance slowly or lazily, esp. for pleasure散步;闲逛;溜达 Saunter – walk in an unhurried way, and esp. in a confident manner (lounge)闲逛;漫步 e.g. I sauntered along the street with nothing to do. 我在街上闲逛,无所事事。 Lounge – (saunter) 闲逛 Meander – (of people) wander in a slow easy way漫步,散步;(of rivers and streams) flow slowly, rurning here and there(指河川)蜿蜒而流 悠闲地走 * prance – move quickly, happily or proudly with a springing or dancing step 欢跃地走 stagger – walk or move unsteadily and with great difficulty, almost falling蹒跚,摇晃,踉跄 e.g. He was staggering along as if drunk. 他摇摇晃晃地向前走,好像喝醉了酒一样。 toddle – walk with short unsteady steps, as a small child does蹒跚行步,东倒西歪地走 形形色色的走 * 来回走 pace---walk wit


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