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NCE3A L2课件

英文中加减乘除的表达 加:and,plus,add to 2+5=7 Two and five is seven. Two plus five is equal to seven. Two and five makes seven. Two plus five will be seven. If you add two to five, you get seven. 英文中加减乘除的表达 减 :minus,take from,subtract from 7-2=5 Seven minus two is five. Seven minus two is equal to five. Two taken from seven leaves five. Two subtracted from seven leaves five. Take two from seven and the remainder is five. 英文中加减乘除的表达 乘 :multiply by或time 2x7=14 Multiply two by seven is fourteen. Two plus five is equal to seven. Two multiplied by seven is fourteen. Multiply two by seven, you get fourteen. Two times seven is/makes/will be/equals/is equal to fourteen. 英文中加减乘除的表达 除 :divided by或divide...into 14÷7=2 Fourteen divided by seven makes/is two. Fourteen divided by seven is equal to two. Divide seven into fourteen,and you get two. Divide fourteen by seven,and you get two. 4. torchlight?? n.?? 手电筒的光 torch bearer torch+light basket+ball honey+moon baby=sitter 2. The big clock which used to strike the hours day and night was damaged many years ago and has been silent ever since. clock which...定语从句 used to do sth.过去常常做某事 strike the hours=alarm hourly =strike the clock day and night=every day and every night up?and?down?上上下下?????back?and?forth?前前后后???? black?and?white?黑与白 be damaged have been slient ever since Eg:I?got?better?marks?that?John,?he?has?been?hostile?to?me. 4. Looking at his watch, he saw that it was one oclock, but the bell struck thirteen times before it stopped. looking at his watch是现在分词短语,作伴随状语,逻辑主语与主句主语一致,且动作是主动 before:...才 Eg.?Wed?better?set?off?or?it?will?be?dark?before?you?know?it.?? Eg: She hadn’t found out that her husband was nothing more than a brute before his mistress was knocking at the door, carrying his baby. 6. In the torchlight, he caught sight of a figure whom he immediately recognized as (Bill Wilkins) , (our local grocer)(同位语). in?the?torchlight?借着手电筒的光?????? in?the?moonlight/sunlight/candlelight/twilight?借着月光 catch?sight?of??一眼瞥见


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