急倾斜三软煤层复合顶板综采工作面液压支架回撤技术研究 -学兔兔 www.xuetutu.com.pdf

急倾斜三软煤层复合顶板综采工作面液压支架回撤技术研究 -学兔兔 www.xuetutu.com.pdf

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急倾斜三软煤层复合顶板综采工作面液压支架回撤技术研究 -学兔兔 www.xuetutu.com

学兔兔 201 1年第9期 煤 炭 工 程 急倾斜三软煤层复合顶板综采工作面 液压支架回撤技术研究 卢运海,马文峰,范 凯 (四JlI省华蓥山煤业股份有限公司李子垭煤矿,四川广安 638607) 摘 要:急倾斜三软煤层复合顶板综采工作面液压支架回撤是一个困难而复杂的技术难题。 文章以李子垭煤矿16032工作面为例,介绍了急倾斜三软煤层复合顸板综采支架回撤的成功经 验,对类似地质条件下综采液压支架回撤有一定的借鉴作用。 关键词:急倾斜;三软煤层;复合顶板;液压支架回撤 中图分类号:TD353 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1671—0959(2011)09-0053-02 Study on Hydraulic Powered Supports Removing Technology from Fully Mechanized Longwall Mining Face with Complex Roof in Steep Inclined Seam with Soft Roof.Soft Coal and Soft Floor LU Yun—hai,MA Wen—feng,FAN Kai (Liziya Mine,Sichuan Huayingshan Coal Mining Company Ltd.,Guangan 638607,China) Abstract:To remove the hydraulic powered supports from the fully mechanized longwall coal mining face with the complex roof in a steep inclined seam with soft roof.soft coal and soft floor is a difficult and complicated technical problem.Taking the No.16032 coal mining face in Liziya Mine as an example,the successful experiences of the hydraulic powered supports removing technology from fully mechanized longwall mining face with complex roof in steep inclined seam with soft roof.soft coal and soft floor were introdueed and could have the certain references to the hydraulic powered support removing from the fully mechanized coal mining face under the similar geological conditions. Keywords:steep;seam with soft roof;soft coal and soft floor;complex roof;hydraulic powered supports removing 16032工作面位于李子垭煤矿向斜南翼,走向长 1 回撤准备 1100m,倾斜长 140m。工作面平均煤厚为 1.5m;含夹矸 1~2层,平均厚度为0.6m;采高为2.1m,倾角为48。,煤 1.1 撤架通道支护 层松软,普氏系数f<1。伪顶为0.3m左右的黑色炭质泥 工作面距停采线5m时调整好直线度,煤壁沿真


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