4.大作文:事例型文:个人品质主题 - 副本.ppt

4.大作文:事例型文:个人品质主题 - 副本.ppt

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4.大作文:事例型文:个人品质主题 - 副本

个人品质主题 Honesty is the best policy In his speech Li Hua spoke of an overseas excellent Chinese student who couldn’t find a job because of his dishonesty. The story shows the readers that honesty really is the best policy. By giving an example that an overseas excellent Chinese student who couldn’t find a job because of his dishonesty, the speaker shows the readers that honesty really is the most important. Most stories: 狼来了,找多钱,考试作弊 Li Jiacheng 下订单,做不了,诚实告知,反得订单---- 陈熙璐 Liu yong, 为哥哥还债 ----李坦航 Tang Jun, 假文凭---冼瑞韵 San lu, 卖假奶粉----梁伟军 Though we have witnessed a great many people who reaped benefits for themselves in a dishonest way, there are also lots of people who act as good examples, such as George Washington, the first president of USA. (体现关键词,看首句知道例子中心)When he was young, he cut down a cherry tree which was a treasure of his father’s accidentally. (起因)He was ashamed of himself for his wrongdoing. After thinking over, he chose to be an honest man so he admitted cutting down the tree. There was a pregnant silence when his father learned the truth. (经过)To his surprise, his father forgave his fault with a smiling face, which sowed a seed of honesty in George’s heart and led him to be a respectable and admirable president in the future.(结果+总结)最好还能跳出例子升华总结 林钰涵 Not only do the incidents of dishonesty arise in our daily life but also it exists in the official circles.(体现例子的中心词,看首句就知道例子写什么) Chen Shuibian, the former president of Taiwan, grafted a great amount of money during his presidency. When being involved in the scandal of corruption and bribery, he innocently and resolutely claimed that he was too honest a man to do that. (起因)However, after further investigation, he turned out to be a national thief who diverted a huge sum of national wealth and ended up with life imprisonment.(经过)As a consequence, his wrongdoings disgrace all his family and gain himself a notorious reputation forever. (结果)A moment’s dishonesty may benefit people a lot and fulfill one’s


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