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托福阅读推断题讲义 (1) 推断题简介和提问方式 考试有3篇文章,每篇可涉及0至2道此类问题,一次考试总共有3至4道推断题。 What can be inferred about…? It can be inferred from paragraph…? Which of the following statements is most likely true about…? What probably occurred after…? It can be inferred from the passage that the author most likely believes which of the following about…? Which of the following statements most accurately reflects the author’s opinion about…? (2) 推断题的特点和解答 ???正确答案不在原文中直接出现 ???推理的逻辑 IBT阅读推理题的解决策略 推断题就是所需要的信息都包含在文章中,但是没有直接加以说明,需要考生从已知中推出。推理题的题干中常出现infer, imply , most likely (least likely) 或probably 等词语。 1、一般对比推理:根据两个事情的对比特征,问其中一个事物的特征,只要将与之形成对比的另外一个事情的特征否定掉就可以。 2、时间对比推理:在这种推理中,一般有两个形成对比的时间段,它们所具有的特征一般相反。当题干问一个时间段的特征时,只要将与之相反的时间段的特征否定掉就可以了。 3、集合概念推理 :一个大的集合的两个方面形成对比,两者之间存在着互补性关系,也就是一个的增加意味着另一个的减少。反之,相同。这个比较抽象,我们来看一个例子: 例如:Both the number and the percentage of people in the United States involved in nonagricultural pursuits expanded rapidly during the half century following the civil war, with some of the most dramatic increases occurring in the domains of transportation, manufacturing, and trade and distribution. What can be inferred from the passage about the agricultural sector of the economy after the Civil War? (A) New technological developments had little effect on farmers. (B) The percentage of the total population working in agriculture declined. (C) Many farms destroyed in the war were rebuilt after the war. (D) Farmers achieved new prosperity because of better rural transportation. 文中指出:非农业人口的数量和比例都增加了。由此可知农业人口的数量和比例下降,所以(B)为正确答案。 三、解答这类题目需要注意的信息点: 1.日期和数字。 2.关键词: 表示多少的副词: many , some, much of, several , a few ,most …;情态动词:may, can , could…;表示过去的:used to be , was, were , at one time, previously ;表示不是唯一的: not only ,not exclusively等。 总之,文中的关键词,观点,逻辑和平时的基本常识是解决这类问题的关键。 案例: Given the widespread belief that employment during adolescence is supposed to be character-building, it no doubt will come as a surprise that working at a part-time job diminishes student’ engagement in school and increases



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