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铜仁地区铜仁市2023年考研《英语一》最后冲刺试题 Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) Hungry for Home If my life were a 1 , I would fast-forward through senior high. My senior years were 2 . Like every junior high kid, I was 3 with who I was and how I would 4 in life. I tried and failed in a number of things I wanted to excel in sports but had not yet 5 that would never happen. I remember being 6 by most of my peers and being cut from the basketball team and 7 to play football. To be loved and accepted seemed to me at the time something I could never, 8 , achieve. During that time I went through the cafeteria line and ate alone, feeling unloved and 9 . One day I 10 that I had no one to eat with. Mom said to me, If you want, you can come home for 11 . As soon as the bell 12 at noon and I left the school and ran home that day my mom sat across the 13 for about 15 minutes and looked at me and listened to me and three 14 later I still remember those times with 15 . She just paid attention to me. I now know that I didnt need my 16 filled as much as I needed my emotional fuel tank refilled. I just needed a 17 place of warm acceptance for a few minutes a day. Now you know a little more about how I 18 home. Home is a place where you dont have to 19 alone and eat. Home is a place where people dont 20 you and avoid you. 1、A.book B.movie C.quiz D.choice 2、A.amazing B.unforgettable C.painful D.tasteless 3、A.struggling B.travelling C.discussing D.improving 4、A.make my mark B.draw my attention C.make a contribution D.draw a conclusion 5、A.broken up B.turned down C.got over D.figured out 6、A.admired B.impressed C.rejected D.mixed 7、A.desiring B.failing C.meaning D.hesitating 8、A.in all my life B.in this respect C



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