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2023年榆林市定边县考研《英语一》押题密卷 Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points) Teaching second grade is always a difficult job. Each student arrives at school with his own needs and difficulties. One year,a student called Billy 1 me with his behavior as well as his academic requirements. He struggled daily with his 2 emotions and often became angry or violent. I knew that,to make 3 progress,his emotions needed controlling. One 4 I tried to help Billy was to have him come directly into the classroom when he arrived at school. Billys mom would 5 me to alert(提醒,告知)me to a particularly emotional morning at home. Then,I would focus on 6 his anger and calming him down before the other students arrived. One week our class was studying 7 I thought that one way to bring learning into the classroom was to bring my dog Rocky to school for the day. That day began as normal. I was preparing activities focused on dog themes 8 I was told on the phone that Billy had a 9 morning at home and I might need to get him 10 As I was talking to his mom,Billy 11 into the classroom. To Billys 12 ,Rocky immediately ran up to his new 13 ,wagging his tail and licking(舔)Billys face with doggy affection(喜爱). Billy couldnt 14 Rockys charm and began laughing as his anger melted away. Throughout the day,Billy never left Rockys side,feeding him,being gentle with him and even 15 the other students while Rocky was sleeping. Billy was known for doing anything he could to avoid 16 ,but on this day he found a good dog story,Cliffords Puppy Days,and read it to Rocky. How 17 I was at the sight of Billy reading happily!My little dog was able to 18 Billys day from one of anger and frustration to one of laughter,gentleness and 19 . That day Rocky 20 helped me with my teaching;he helped to ch


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