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PAGE II PAGE 贵州茶叶产业国际竞争力的研究及启示 摘要:贵州是我国的茶叶生产大省,更是我国的茶叶出口大省。多年来,无论是茶叶出口量还是出口额,贵州茶叶出口都占全国的一半以上。但是近几年,在技术性贸易壁垒的作用下,各国对茶叶设置的种类繁多的技术性贸易壁垒,特别是对农药最高残留量的限定,使贵州的茶叶出口受到很大的影响,受阻严重,退回现象也时有发生,出口前景不容乐观。近几年来,贵州省高度重视茶产业发展,茶园面积不断扩大,产量不断增加,茶产业得到了快速发展,竞争力不断增强。文章结合贵州省近几年的数据,利用相关数据对贵州省茶产业发展情况进行分析。通过分析发现,贵州省茶产业存在茶叶单产量低,茶园规模与生产效率不相称,国际竞争力弱等问题。必须重视提高茶叶生产效率,全面提升质量标准,加强品牌宣传推广力度,努力开拓国内外市场。 关键词:贵州茶叶产业;国际竞争力;启示 Abstract:Guizhou is our countrys tea production big province, is our country tea export big province.Over the years, the export of tea has accounted for more than half of Chinas tea exports and exports.But in recent years, under the function of technical barriers to trade, all countries of the tea set a wide variety of technical barriers to trade, especially for pesticide maximum residue limit, make the tea export of guizhou is affected by the large, hindered seriously, return phenomenon also happen from time to tome, the export outlook is not optimistic.In recent years, guizhou province attaches great importance to the development of tea industry, the area of tea garden is expanding continuously, the production is increasing, the tea industry is developing rapidly and the competitiveness is increasing.Based on the data of guizhou province in recent years, this paper analyzes the development of tea industry in guizhou province.It is found that the tea industry in guizhou province has low tea yield, which is not commensurate with the production efficiency and weak international competitiveness.We must pay attention to improve the efficiency of tea production, improve the quality standard comprehensively, strengthen the brand publicity and promotion, and strive to expand the domestic and foreign markets. Key words: guizhou tea industry;International competitiveness;revelation 目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u 第一章 引言 1 第一节 选题的背景与意义 1 第二节 文献综述 1 第三节 研究的方法 2 第二章 相关理论概述 2 第一节 国际竞争力概念 2 第二节 比较优势 3 第三节 竞争优势 4 第三章 贵州茶叶国际竞争力现状 5 第一节 中国茶叶进出口贸易状况 5 第二节 云南茶叶进出口贸易状况 6


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