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PAGE / NUMPAGES 河北安平中学实验部高一年级英语学科寒假作业 2月15日 第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节??(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 A If you think about World Heritage Sites, you probably think of places connected with ancient art and culture, historical buildings and monuments. And of course, many of these are on the World Heritage List(WHL)(世界遗产名录). But the WHL contains a lot of sites that are not so obvious. Let’s look at a few of them. Robben?Island in South Africa This island was used through the centuries as a prison a hospital and a military base. But it’s probably most famous as a maximum-security prison for political prisoners in the twentieth century. Nelson Mandela was one of its most famous residents. The WHL says it represents “the triumph of democracy(民主)and freedom over oppression and racism”. Borders of France and Spain This is an area of great natural beauty and the mountains have many interesting geological formations. But it is also an area of small farms. People there still use a type of agriculture that used to be common in mountainous areas of Europe but has almost completely disappeared in modern times. The city of Brasilia Brasilia?is a capital city that was created from nothing in 1956. The WHL calls it “a landmark in the history of town planning”. The different areas of the city and the buildings themselves were all designed at the same time carefully. Every part of the city shows the ideas of the planer and architect. Simien National Park Simien National Park was one of the first sites to be listed in 1978. It is one of the highest mountain areas in 21. What does the passage mainly talk about???? . A. The remains of ancient cultures on the WHL B. The household heritage sites on the WHL C. Some of the less well-known sites on the WHL D. Important places of art and culture 22. Which of the following sites was listed on the WHL for its political symbol? A. Simien National Park, B. The city of Brasilia C. Borders


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