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Unit 1一、词汇短语 Text I 1confront [kEn5frQnt] v. a) force to deal with or accept the truth of; bring face to face with使对峙,使当面对证:When the police confronted her with the evidence, she confessed she was guilty.当警察用证据与她当面对证时,她坦言自己犯罪了;b) to meet, to be faced with(尤其在战斗,竞争,辩论等情况下)与…迎面相遇,和…对抗,对峙:When I am confronted with a microphone, my mind goes complete blank. 当我面对麦克风时,头脑一片空白。 2anguish [5AN^wiF] n. very pain and suffering, especially of the mind(极度)痛苦,苦恼,烦恼:The upeakable anguish wrung her heart. 难言的痛苦折磨着他的心。 3gracefully [5^reisfuli] adv. a) in an attractively and effortlessly fine and smooth manner优美地,优雅得体地:Already in her fifties, she danced gracefully on the stage last night, attracting a large audience. 她已经五十多岁了,但她昨晚在舞台上优美的舞姿吸引了很多观众;b) in a way that shows willingness to behave fairly and honorably大大方方地:When I am no longer needed, I shall retire gracefully. 当不再需要我时,我将体面地退休。 4haven [5heivn] n. a place of calm and safety安息所,避难所,安全地方:The library is a haven of peace and quiet. 图书馆是个平和而安静的去处。 5touch [tQtF] v. a) make sb. feel/ sb’s feeling sympathetic or bad感动某人,触动某人的感情,使怜悯或悲哀:The TV report about the children’s work for charity touched thousands of people’s heart. 电视报道中关于这些儿童为慈善事业所做的工作打动了千千万万的人;b) be associated or connected with与某事有联系或有关系:Your objectio do not touch the point of the issue. 你提的反对意见与问题的实质无关。 n. a) an act or the fact of touching触摸,接触:I found the right coin in the dark by touch.在黑暗中,我摸索着找到了那枚硬币;b) relation or contact联系,接触:We are in close touch with our office in Spain. 我们同我方在西班牙的办事处保持着密切的联系;c) slight quantity, trace少许,微量:There was a touch of irony in her voice. 她话语之间略带讽刺。touched adj. 被感动的 6shudder [5FQdE] vi. shake uncontrollably(因害怕、恐惧、寒冷等)发抖,打颤,战栗:She shuddered at the sight of dead body. 见到死尸时,她直发抖。shudder to think一想到…就颤抖(用于表示不愿想某种不愉快的事情) 7 well up 涌上,流出,溢出(of liquid) flow or start to flow:She was so moved that tea welled up in her eyes. 她感动得热泪涌出眼眶。 8 rest on: a) lean on, to be supported by搁在,支撑在…上面:The bridge rested on stone arches.这座桥由石拱支撑;b) be based


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