江苏省如东县马塘中学高一英语 M2U2 Project Making a travel leaflet导学案.pdfVIP

江苏省如东县马塘中学高一英语 M2U2 Project Making a travel leaflet导学案.pdf

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Module 2 Unit 2 Project -- Making a travel leaflet 一、课标导读 1. 运用阅读技能了解文章大意,体会旅游册子的特点。 2. 运用优美的词句描述香格里拉的美。 3. 通过小组合作制作旅游册子。 二、问题导思 1. Have you ever considered going to Shangri-la? Why? 2. Which sentences are used to describe the beauty of Shangri-la in the text? 3. Your questions or puzzles? 三、例题导练 Ⅰ. Read the passage and finish the following exercise 1. The purpose of this passage is ______ A. to tell us Shangri-la is a place of mystery and beauty. B. To introduce Shangri-la to us C. To tell us Shangri-la is world-famous D. To tell us what Shangri-la really means 2. It can be inferred that _________ A. Shangri-laappeared in 1933 B.JamesHiltononce lived in Shangri-lafor many years C. Shangri-la was once a powerful kingdom D. James Hilton knew Shangri-la very well. 3. From the passage we know ________ A. there were strong arguments over the book by James Hilton B. before Hilton’s book came out, people knew about Shangri-la C. people didnt know where Shangri-la exactly lies for a long time D. the government named Zhongdian Shangri-la in July 1997 4. It is implied (暗示) that ________ A. Shangri-lahasveryrichnaturalresources B.theweather there isalways the same C you can’t speakbefore the snowy mountain tops D.vastgrassland surround the lakes there ⅡDecides which ones are True (T) or false (F) and corrects 1. In fact, Shangri-la is the capital of Dali. ( ) 2. The government named Zhongdian Shangri-la. ( ) 3. Winter is the perfect season for visitors to come Shangri-la. ( ) 4. Three mountains, Meili, Baimang and Himalayas are covered with snow. ( ) 5. People living in Shangri-la will become old easily. ( ) 1



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