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清代围场木材资源开发与管理 : , , , 摘 要 清代 位于热河和东北的围场是帝王演武行猎之所 同时也是优质松木的产区 随着康熙中期以来各种建 , , 。 筑工程的兴起 清政府的木材需求量激增 开发距离京城较近的围场内的木材资源自然成为不二之选 纵观整个 清代, 、 , 在围场内采伐木材次数之频繁 数量之巨大为全国其他木材产区所不能比拟 可以说是围场内源源不断的木 。 , 材供应支撑了清代以三山五园为代表的各项建筑工程的顺利进行 由于清代的围场属于封禁区域 围场内各种资 源被视为皇室之私产, , , 因此围场内木材资源的开发与管理以皇室管家内务府为主导 其管理者以满族大臣为主 具 有明显的民族特色和时代特征。 : ; ; ; ; 关键词 清代 围场 松木 采伐运输 开发管理 中图分类号:F403 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-2815 (2019)03-0093- 10 The Development and Management of Hunting Grounds' Woods Resources in Qing's Dynasty WANG Tie-nan (School of Social and Behavioral Sciences Soochow University ,Soochow ,215123) Abstract :In Qing dynasty ,the hunting grounds in Re He Province and Northeast China were used to showing off military force and hunting by emperors ,meanwhile they were also regions producing pine woods of high quality. The demand of woods were growing quickly along with numerous construction projects arising in the middle of KangXi ’s reign ,and the woods resources in hunting grounds near the capital became the best choice at that time. The hunting grounds produced more woods than any other woods producing area throughout Qing dynasty. It is believed that it was the continuous supply of woods coming from hunting grounds that supported different kinds of construction projects like Three Hills and Five Gar- dens. Since


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