英语一二通用阅读1997 2009 2006 1 text 2.pdfVIP

英语一二通用阅读1997 2009 2006 1 text 2.pdf

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2006-1 Text 2 1- Stratford-on-Avon, as we all know, has only one industry - William Shakespeare - but there are two dist tly separate and reasingly hostile branches. There is the Royal Shakespeare (RSC), which presents superb productions of the ys at the Shakespeare Memorial Theatre on the Avon. And there are the townsfolk who largely live off the tourists who come, not to see the ys, but to look at Anne Hathaway’s Cottage, Shakespeare’s birth ce and the other sights. 2- The worthy residents of Stratford doubt that the theatre adds a penny to their revenue. They frankly dislike the RSC’s actors, them with their long hair and beards and sandals and noisiness. It’s all deliciously ironic when you consider that Shakespeare, who earns their living, was himself an actor (with a beard) and did his share of noise-making. 3- The tourist streams are not entirely separate. The sightseers who come by bus - and often take in Warwick Castle and Blenheim Palace on the side - don’t usually see the ys, and some of them are even surprised to find a theatre in Stratford. However, the ygoers do manage a little sight-seeing along with their ygoing. It is the ygoers, the RSC contends, who bring in much of the town’s revenue because they spend the night (some of them four or five nights) pouring cash into the ho s and restaurants. The sightseers can take in everything and get out of town by nightfall. 4- The townsfolk don’t see it this way and local council does not contribute directly to the subsidy of the Royal Shakespeare . Stratford cries poor traditionally. Nevertheless every ho in town seems to be adding a new wing or cocktail lounge. Hilton is building its own ho there, which you may be sure will be decorated with Hamlet Hamburger Bars, the Lear Lounge, the Banquo Banqueting Room, and so forth, and will be very expensive. 5- Anyway, the townsfolk can’t understand why the Roy


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