国际石油期刊 World Oil gulfpub_wo_202308.pdf

国际石油期刊 World Oil gulfpub_wo_202308.pdf

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Data show state of U.S. oil production remains steady As opposed to the general public’s lack of knowledge of certain key facts, we in this industry are keenly aware that oil production continues to play a key role in the U.S. economic and energy landscape. Most everything from gasoline prices to clothing to plastics is impacted by the cost of extracting petroleum and all its byproducts. So, in the context of policy debates and governmental actions, it’s helpful to remind the U.S. public of some basic inalienable facts about the country’s oil production. This is why a recent report by USA Facts is so handy. It analyzes data take directly from the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) and derives trends and conclusions that we at World Oil would reach, if we undertook the same project. We should point out that USA Facts is a not-for-prot, nonpartisan organization. Current state of U.S. output. Looking at the state of the country’s oil production today, USA Facts said, “Domestic energy production has increased faster than at any other time in history, with crude oil production more than doubling between 2011 and 2022, Fig. 1. U.S. crude oil peaked in 2019, with the country producing an average 12.3 MMbpd.” Fig. 1. U.S. oil production more than doubled from 2011 to 2022. Image: USA Facts/U.S. EIA. Not to anyone’s surprise in this industry, the EIA data show that the U.S. has been the largest producer of crude oil globally since 2018, surpassing Russia and Saudi Arabia. The report found that the EIA is now expecting U.S. crude production to increase to record heights of 12.8 MMbpd in 2023 and 13.1 MMbpd in 2024. Individual state production. USA Facts found that in 2022, over 70% of total U.S. crude oil production came from just ve states. In descending order these were: Texas: More than 1.8 Bbbl of crude oil produced during the year, or 42.4% of total U.S. output




