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外研版(三起点)英语四年级上册教学设计 课 题 Module 3 Unit 2 What’s the elephant doing? 教 学 目 标 知识目标 1. 学生能够熟练掌握重点词汇draw, jump,sing和dance; 2. 学生能理解并运用以下重点句型: 1)What’s the elephant doing? It’s drawing pictures.. 2)what are the tigers doing? They are jumping. 技能目标 学生能够向他人谈论人们在公园里的活动,描述正在发生的动作或行为 情感目标 通过学习,激发学生增强对各种动物的认识,懂得爱护动物、做动物们的好朋友。 重难点 能够向他人描述正在发生的行为或动作。 教学过程 Step 1. Warming-up (热身导入) Greetings. (Good morning, boys and girls.) T:Before we start our new lesson, let’s play a game. I say play,play ,play; you say playing,playing,playing,OK? play playing take taking read reading run running listen listening swim swimming talk talking row rowing do doing drink drinking 然后,可以让学生担任小老师little teacher,再做几次游戏。 (设计意图:运用游戏进行课前热身,营造英语学习氛围,同时复习旧知,为新课的导入做准备。) Pictures:what are they doing? 4.Welcome to the zoo:can you guess? Show students some pictures, let them guess what kind of animal it is (设计意图:运用图片、游戏自然引入本课语言点,引发学生兴趣,调动学生学习积极性,引导学生进入本课的英语学习中。) Step 2. Presentation(知识呈现) 这一环节将通过对课文文本的学习,层层深入,呈现本单元知识重点。 1.Activity one :Where are Amy and Daming? Listen to the tape, and answer questions. Q1: What are the monkeys doing? They’re playing football. Q2: What is the elephant doing? It’s drawing pictures. 2. Listen to the tape for the first time. What other animals do they see? (设计意图:帮助学生初步整体感知课文,提前出示问题,帮助学生集中注意力。) 2. Watch the video and answer the questions. What are the animals doing? 通过回答问题理解文本,同时呈现新单词。 3.learn the text T: Look at the fallowing pictures. 1)What is the elephant doing? 2)Lear the new word:draw, Dr-aw, draw. (设计意图:通过几幅图片自然过渡到课文文本的学习,同时引出新单词draw,并借助自然拼读法学习单词。) What is the elephant doing? What is the tiger doing? It is drawing pictures. It is jumping.j-u-m-p,jump. What is the bird doing? What is the horse doing? It is singing.s-ing,sing.


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