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第 第 PAGE 1 页 共 NUMPAGES 1 页 2024届高考英语七选五解题技巧和方法课件(共35张) (共35张PPT) 七选五 任务型阅读解题技巧 Gap-filling 七选五 任务型阅读解题技巧 fill in the blank 七选五高考题型 给出一篇约300词的短文中留出5个空白,要求考生从所给的7个选项中选出最佳选项,使补足后的短文意思通顺、前后连贯。 考试题型 考察重点 主要考察考生对上下文的推理判断能力、对文章基本结构的理解能力以及还原信息、完形短文的能力。(考试说明) 题材特点 以说明文或议论文为主。 有时也有记叙文。 选项特点 选项特点: 1、主旨概括句(文章整体内容) 2、过渡性句子(文章结构) 3、解释性句子(上下文逻辑意义) 4、标题型:短小精悍 (名称型短语,祈使句) 5、首句型: 1) 首段首句:点出主题,引出下文。 2) 中间段首句:本段主题,上下文承接。 3) 末段首句: 文章主题,总结全文。 七选五解题技巧 方法 看文章结构 找关键词 找逻辑关系 Step 1 Structure 文章结构 What to expect at high school Are you super worried about what to expect at high school Well, guess what Everyone is! The following tips will help guide you safely through your first day! 大标题 大标题——短小精悍,大写 1 小标题——短小精悍,结构一致 Be on time When meeting someone for …. Introduce yourself and ask for names Make sure you properly…. Smile! It’s the easiest way to let someone know that you’re nice! Be fun! … Listen! … 小标题 2 Be fun! A.Change! B.Ask a question! C.Classwork is a great icebreaker. D.Say “hello” and see what happens. E.And don’t just talk about yourself all the time. F.Even the shyest person can manage a little smile. G.We all prefer spending time with people who make us feel happy. 段首——概括文段,与小标题相呼应。 3 ________ Think about the people you most enjoy being with—usually they are always on the up and up. Being fun makes people happy and brightens the way they think of you. It makes you seem like you truly love life and you can deal with any problems that you have to face. How fast can a home remodeling(改造) project be completed ______ At least, that’s the time requirement of the popular TV show called Trading Spaces. A.About 48 hours. B.Wow! That’s great! C.But you didn’t see that on the show. D.They loved redecorating their neighbors’ place. E.It sometimes takes several months to remodel a home. F.But one couple in Portland, Oregon, hated their new room. G.The people who appear on the show are actors and they enjoy the experience. 4 段中—— 承上启下 They work a lot more. Almost every extremely su



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