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高中英语阅读理解中的猜词教学案例 溧阳市竹箦中学 殷丽娟 一、教学内容和教学背景 该课是针对高三学生设计的一堂专项训练课,具体介绍在高中英语阅读理解 中的猜词技巧。“猜测词句意义”题型在高考阅读中占有一定的份量。而我们学 生在这方面的技能显得薄弱,猜词能力比较差,猜词没有具体的系统的方法,因 此,针对此题型的训练就显得很有必要。 二、具体的教学设计流程 本节课采用了“自主,探究, 总结,巩固”的教学方式,辅助以多媒体,达 到较好的教学效果。教学流程如下: Step-one: Lead in by showing the common questions in reading materials: (1). The author uses the word “…” to mean ____. (2). The underlined word (phrase, term) “…” means _____. (3). According to the passage, the word “…” properly means _____. (4). The word “…” in paragraph … refers to ____. (5). By “…”, the author means _____. (6). Which of the following is closest in meaning to “…”? (7). What is “…”? Step-two: Guessing Unknown Words / Vocabulary (猜词) The students will read the passages and guess by themselves. Then they will tell their answers and how they decide their answers. 1). Definition and explanation 利用定义和解释猜测词义; Eg: He is a resolute man. Once he makes up his mind to do something, he won’t give it up halfway. The underlined word means____. A. strong B. firm C. kind D. clever 2) Experience 根据普通常识和经验推测生词的词义 Eg.(1): Mr. Brown is now working at Princeton University far away from home. For this reason he has to rent a room near the office where he works. A. to work to live B. to eat to live C. to teach to live D. to pay to use Eg.(2):A good teacher works in quite a different way. His audience take an active part in his play: they ask and answer questions, they obey orders, and if they don’t understand something, they say so. The word “audience” in the paragraph means ____. A. students B. people who watch a play C. people who act on the stage D. people who listen to something 3) Related Information 即根据上下文的语境来猜测生词的词义。 Eg.: The official asked the man what his occupation was. The man told him that he worked as an engineer. A. work B. study C. name D. interest 4) Guessing from Comparison and Contrast根据上下文中的比较、对照关系猜测词 义; Eg.: Those new comers were not used to the life in the suburbs which was so different from


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