《跨境电商沟通与客服》第7章 跨境电商纠纷案例.pptxVIP

《跨境电商沟通与客服》第7章 跨境电商纠纷案例.pptx

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7.1 亚马逊卖家 成功处理纠纷案例 Cases On Amazon Sellers Successfully Dealing With Disputes 《跨境电商沟通与客服》 亚马逊卖家成功处理纠纷案例 在此案例中,亚马逊平台上卖家发错款式,买家提出诉讼,卖家通过及时有效的沟通,最终以优惠折扣的方式成功处理纠纷。 1、买家提出投诉 买家在亚马逊上订购了一件印花女童装,收到后发现印花错误,对卖家提出“发错款式”。 2、 卖家投诉处理经仓库核实,确实将相似款式发错。第一时间跟客户沟通解决,回复客户。提出三套方案,供客户选择。 3、 买家与卖家沟通客户提出,希望得到优惠折扣,他非常喜欢这个款式,想再次购买。 客服回复客户,他可以下单购买,会马上发货。 最终,客户取消前期退款申请,同时用折扣码又新订2件衣服。 4、投诉解决客户最终给了五星好评。 5、案例分析 在此案例中,客服在收到投诉后,第一时间联系了买家。在核实投诉后,提出了三套解决方案供买方选择,客诉纠纷解决非常妥当,不仅避免了损失,还为店铺赢得了新订单,也提升了客户满意度。 Sample 1 Dear?Customer,? The photos were received with thanks. Sorry that we failed to check out the problem and we would pay more attention on this part. Anyway, we will refund you $3 for compensation or may you just accept this time and we would like to provide bigger discount for your next order? So sorry about the trouble. Please feel free to let us have your comment. Thanks! Best Regards (Your name) Sample 2 Dear?Customer,?? We sincerely regret that you haven’t received your parcel yet. We can confirm that we sent your order on January 10, 2016; however, we were informed by the shipping company that the package has been delayed due to problems on their end. We can arrange reshipment or full refund to you. Please let us know what is your preferred option and we’ll resolve this matter as quickly as possible. We?apologize?for?the?inconvenience.?Your?understanding?is?greatly?appreciated. Best Regards (Your name) 常用句型1.You can also consider the solution that we send you a new one with 50% discount and you cancel the dispute without pay for the highly returning shipping fee. 您也可以考虑另一种解决方案:我们以五折方式重新寄给您意见全新的产品,您取消纠纷,也不需要支付高额的寄回费用。2.We will refund you $3 for compensation or may you just accept this time and we would like to provide bigger discount for your next order? 我们将赔偿您$3,或者如果您这次接受货物,我们将在下次的订单中给您更大的折扣。 3.We sincerely regret that you haven’t received your parcel yet. 很遗憾您没有收到包裹。4.We can arrange


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