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淘宝店铺【新一文化】温馨提示: wrd版真题仅校对内容,因格式无法固定,未精美排版,仅供自行复制粘贴使用,若打印或用于电子笔记,请务必使用PDF版本真题!!! 本店PDF版真题打印无乱码,用于电子版笔记支持取词翻译,为优质版PDF。 2022年09月大英语六级考试真题(第1套) 淘宝店铺:【新一文化】温馨提示:2022年9月英语六级考试实考1 套听力,1套阅读理解, 3套写作与翻译。 Part I Writing (30inutes) Diretins Fr this part,yu are allwed 30 inutes t write an essay that begins with the sentene “Nwadays re and re students are being inreasingly aware f the iprtane f develping digital sills” Yu an ae ents, ite eaples r use yur persnal eperienes t develp yur essay Yu shuld write at least 150 wrds but n re than 200 wrds Part Ⅱ Listening prehensin (30 inutes) Setin A Diretins In this setin, yu will hear tw lng nversatins At the end f eah nversatin, yu will hear fur questins Bth the nversatin and the questins will be spen nly neAfter yu hear a questin, yu ust hse the best answer fr the fur hies ared A), B), ) and D) Then ar the rrespnding letter n Answer Sheet I with a single line thrugh the entre Questins 1 t 4 are based n the nversatin yu have just heard 1A)It enables peple t earn re ney ) It helps peple with budgeting B) It teahes the iprtane f finaning D)It intrdues a nvel way t invest 2A)any Aerians are nt satisfied with their ine B) any Aerians have n idea abut hw t invest ) st Aerians d nt nw hw t save ney D) st Aerians d nt sti t a budget 3A)eep tra f his ney ) Find re sures f ine B) Live within his eans D) Refrain fr buying luuries 4A)It ffers a greater variety f ites ) It hanges ne's way f living B)It helps avid unneessary spending D) It saves ne's tie fr shpping Questins 5 t 8 are based n the nversatin yu have just heard 5A)It is brand-new ) It belngs t her ther B) It has plenty f rs D)It has been vaant fr nths 6A)Spae ) Applianes B) Tranquillity D)Latin 7A)Tal t his wife abut the ntrat ters B)Pay the first nth's rent and a depsit ) he the referenes f the flat wner D) nsult his sliitr


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