人教版八年级英语下册Unit 8 1a-2d课件.ppt

人教版八年级英语下册Unit 8 1a-2d课件.ppt

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Unit 8 Section A 1a-2d Have you read Treasure Island yet?;;;treasure;Treasure Island Little Women Oliver Twist Tom Sawyer Robinson Crusoe Alice in Wonderland;Sandy Alan;Listen and complete the chart.;1c;2a;2b;2c;have/has+read/heard;fanfaron吹牛大王 ;Find the funniest fanfaron;Amy: Steve, _____ you _______(decide) yet which book to write about for English class? Steve: Yes, Little Women. I_____ already______ (finish) reading it! Amy: Wow, you’re fast! What’s it about? Steve: It’s about four sisters growing up. It was really good, so I couldn’t put it down. Which book did you choose? Amy: I chose Treasure Island, but I ____ _____ (not finish) reading it yet. I’m only on page 25.; Steve: Have you at least read the back of the book to see what it’s about? Amy: Yes, I____ (have). It looks interesting. Steve: You should hurry up. The book report is due in two weeks. Amy: Yes, I know. I’ll read quickly.;Answer the questions;Role play; 美国中小学特别重视对学生进行阅读训练。语言课一般不讲语法和语言理论,主要是阅读,分精读和泛读。精读课要求学生对所学文章加以分析和评论,进行概括和复述。泛读课学生有较大自由,没有统一的课本,通常由老师提出一个书单,供学生选读,有时也指定若干本书为必读。 ;reading report; Who has read the most books?; In my group, A has already read the most books . He has already read …. He is reading … now. It’s about… He thinks it’s very ….And he is going to read …next. ;Reading everywhere;Library of Harvard ;Let’s read!;; Unit 8 Section A 1a-2d Have you read Treasure Island yet?;;;treasure;Treasure Island Little Women Oliver Twist Tom Sawyer Robinson Crusoe Alice in Wonderland;Sandy Alan;Listen and complete the chart.;1c;2a;2b;2c;have/has+read/heard;fanfaron吹牛大王 ;Find the funniest fanfaron;Amy: Steve, _____ you _______(decide) yet which book to write about for English class? Steve: Yes, Little Women. I_____ already______ (finish) reading it! Amy: Wow, you’re fast! What’s it about? Steve: It’s about four sisters growing up. It was really good, so


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