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3.In my view, ________________________(不管互联网多么吸引人), it shouldn’t separate us from our loved ones.? 【答案】no matter how attractive the Internet is 4.________________________   (通过这个实验我们得出一个结论):the temperature doesn’t change when ice is melting into water.? 【答案】We drew a conclusion through the experiment 5.Let’s develop good habits of saving energy in our daily life and ________________   (尽力为我们的环境做出更多贡献).? 【答案】try to make more contributions to our environment 6.Therefore, we should spend time with our families, ________________________________ (享受我们在一起的时光).? 【答案】enjoying the time when we are together ★妙用衔接、过渡 一篇好的文章读起来是抑扬顿挫、圆润通畅、朗朗上口的。即使词汇再美、句式再高级,若缺乏有效的衔接与过渡,充其量也只能是一盘零乱的珍珠,虽光彩夺目却不堪受用。有效地使用过渡成分将亮点语句串“珠”成篇,是成就满分作文的最后一道“工序”。利用好“起”“承”“转”“合”四方法,会让文章读起来自然流畅,彰显考生深厚的写作功底,折服阅卷老师挑剔的目光并为之“倾倒”而给高分。 (1)表示时间顺序的过渡性词语 at the beginning/end of, in the end, afterwards, since then, meanwhile, immediately, after that, from then on, all of a sudden, at present, after a while, at the same time, in the past … At the beginning of the term, I had trouble in learning physics. In the end, I made great progress with practice and persistence. (2)表示递进关系的过渡性词语 what’s more/moreover, in addition to, furthermore, besides, to make things worse, the most important of all, worst of all, especially, in particular, apart from… Besides, I have a sense of responsibility and rich experience in being a volunteer. Moreover, I learned Chinese painting for more than ten years in my childhood; therefore, I do know a lot about this great art form. (3)表示并列或转折关系的过渡性词语 however, while, despite, otherwise, on the contrary, in spite of, after all, nevertheless, as well as, neither…nor, not only…but also, either…or, not…but… Despite having lived in China for a long time,they don’t know how to make tea. (4)表示条件或让步关系的过渡性词语 as (so) long as, on condition that, unless, in case(of), even if/though, as/though/although It would be safer to take more money with you in case of emergency. He agreed to speak to reporters on con


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